You don't know destiny if you didn't cry when you got your first ghallahorn
I got mine from my first vault of glass run. I couldn't tell because my wife was sleeping in the other room so I just quietly squealed!
Edit yell*
Lol I bought it the second time Xur sold it
[quote]You don't know destiny if you didn't cry when you got your first ghallahorn[/quote] I bought mine from Xur week 2. It was my second exotic. TLW was my first and it was terrible for PvE (the main thing I played back then), which is why I bought Gjallarhorn, hoping it'd be better, lol.
I got mine before its was deemed godly so i had about the same reaction as i do with every other exotic drop. I never leveled it up until it became a requirement to raid
this is really true. when I got mine from a engram I was speechless and almost choked on my drink
I cried when I got it from a VOG chest , I said the second before I would never get one
lol just a few seconds I had joked with my friends that the engram would be a blue
It was my first exotic drop so i was just a little hyped not a lot btw.