You might recognize me from my story of how I was dating my step sister because our parents got together and eventually got married after we already had a thing for a while.
Well, now she and I are married.
So, I of course decided to make an AMA.
And no, I'm not a redneck.
I -blam!-ed my step sister once exactly after our parents' wedding. No regrets.
[quote] And no, I'm not a redneck.[/quote] [i] something doesn't add up here [/i]
Humpity bump.
Wanna make it a three-way? Monogamy is for losers anyways.
I'm confused by the truthfulness of this story after the tags.
Always read the tags.
I always read tags.
Pics or it didn't happen
So how's Kentucky this time of year?
Is it incest?
K [b] [/b]
DefinitlyTrue + itsjustaprankbro = (?) [spoiler]Yes I read tags[/spoiler]
Those tags tho
Read the tags etc, what I don't get is how dating or marrying your step sister would be incest in the first place I mean you aren't blood related or anything so no incest is actually being committed...
Solid. 10/10.
Cletus is that you?
Bad b8 but good topic.
Cool, good luck with your marriage [spoiler]if only I could read tags[/spoiler]
O bby can i join in? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
The tags
#dopeopleevenreadthetags Yes and i would be the ninth to do so
The tags are real
I can read tags.