Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]oh, damn[/i] *He stomps out the fire* -
"You ok?" *see watches him stomp out the fire on his foot.* "What should we do?" *she picks up her book off the ground*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]Oh, I'm okay. Im a skeleton, remember? Don't have nerves. and best i can determine is to diffuse it[/i] -
"Yeah and that gonna be tough to do cause it might tigger something nasty each seals that get broken has a curse on it. " she says *she open book the back up flips to the page a look at it. She makes a face as she reads it trying figure out a way to break the last two seals*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
I don't think he's cursed. He was like this long before now -
"Maybe not but the asshole did this so i gotta safely despell the damn thing and im gonna need you to watch my back as i do so. Cause it will get ugly when despell this circle thing" she says *she clears her mind as she ready herself when calm she looks at you* "You ready?" She asks calmly
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Ready when you are. *The circle begins to glow, except for the one symbol. There is a loud rustling heard in the bushes not far from you* -
*she casts a barrier protection over herself and crossbow then she starts to chant holding her hands over the circle she focuses on the seals tranfixed her gaze unwavering. She feel the very ground shake around her as she chants. You see certain parts to fades as the second seals starts to weaken* *rustling in the continues*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*The rustling stops, and Gore jumps out, looking around at your field* [i]Um, Leyla?[/i] -
"Yes crossbow"she pauses for a second *she doesnt see what behind cause back is turned*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]Gore is penetrating the shield[/i] *Behind you, you can hear something breaking the barrier. Gore has two swords of unidentifiable color breaking through* -
"Gravity Crush" she says and snaps her fingers. *as soon as she does the his feels like being forcefully weighed down by some unknown force. She turns around and looks at you.* "Now Stay Down"she snaps her fingers again. *gore is pull flat against the ground by force making it very difficult for him to move at all*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Gore dissolves into the ground* [i]I think he's gone for now[/i] -
"Im going to continue now" *she renforces the barrier even stronger. She resumes chanting over the circle*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Crossbow waits until they all stop glowing* [i]Are we good?[/i] -
"Yes finally it is done" she said *the that on ground fades completely as she break the last seal on the circle. That last had took a lot out of leyla making her really tired and weak.* "Wasn't aiyanna following us"she said weakly *she sits down to rest for a second* "Lets hope he that gore doesn't right back up cause that would be bad right now"
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]I would assume that it would be.[/i] [i]Where is aiyanna anyway?[/i] -
*aiyanna comes walking out the bushes as if on clue* -were you guys calling for me? *aiyanna walks over where leyla sitting on the ground and lays down next to her* -oh i just so happened to that gore follow coming this way again we have to move her. I heard him that coming after her. Climb on my back leyla your light i can carry you until get your strength back- "You sure aiyanna?"she asks -yes im sure- *leyla climbs on to aiyanna massive back she holds on tight as aiyanna stand ups* *aiyanna feels leyla adjusting and centering her weight on aiyanna back. leyla is very light so it doesn't like is she is there but has firm grip*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i] Alright, if we're all ready, we'll head back to the Dojo. I'm just wondering how a mer could have known about Mortar's war strategy, Gore[/i] -
"I wouldn't know but it makes me uncomfortable to know someone able to sneak into with out my knowledge. So its has to be someone watching for a while who else would where i stash my stuff." -lets get going we can talk more about this somewhere else. Cause i hear something this way very fast- *aiyanna hears snapping sounds and breaking noises. Aiyanna growls* -we need to now- *aiyanna turns and start to walk but that walk turns into a run8
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*A figure jumps out of the bushes. Not Gore, he has charred skin and wears a robe* -
*aiyanna stops when jumps out the bushe in front her. She starts to growl.* *leyla thinks recognize him. She sits up some* "Wit?? Is that you" she asks *leyla pats aiyanna giant head she continues to growl*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[b]Leyla! What's happening? I leave the house to see this red fog![/b] -
"Mortar turn evil and tired to attack me when was breaking a spell circle i manage to chase him off but im weak right now so i cant do much if he attacks again that why im on her back" she says *aiyanna looks at the strange man leyla shifts on her aiyanna back.* -who is this man leyla-
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[b]Oh, sorry, I'm Wit, Mortar's friend, house mate, and plus one. Sorry if you haven't seen me around, I've been studying an old book since my girlfriend broke up with me...[/b] *Wit sighs* [b]But I do not ask for pity, just your assistance.[/b]