originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]Jared lugs a crate across the dojo, and you see some items popping out the top, like a shotgun, Greatsword, and even a rubber chicken
He goes to an empty section of the dojo and goes through it[/b]
"Let's see what they didn't burn...."
[b]He later stops, having only a few items and weapons and armors to sell[/b]
"Time to get resources...."
[b]He puts a sentry gun over the now closed crate and gets on a lightcycle, leaving the dojo and going down the mountain as he heads out to find raw materials[/b]
"As we ain't even moving sure" [spoiler]Ee never started lol[/spoiler]
"Good." [i][b]He responded, and he retracted the grappling hook, before he regrew himself to six-foot-three again. [/b][/i]"Now about that sword?"
"Titanium-A atomically modified sword, same metal that comprises UNSC hull plating"
"Dude, I just want steel, something you'll usually find in a weapons store."
"Why not have a seord made from the finest metal? Minimalist or not, stuff like that is fairly common here"
"Because that shits probably heavier or lighter than steel, and that's my preferred metal, because I'm used to the weight of it."