[spoiler]Blake and Doc are characters used within Paradox1055s storyline[/spoiler]
I felt a small pain pulse through my body as my eyes flashed open. I blinked several times due to the harsh light above me. The room was rusted and dirty, similar to the rooms in the Reef and the single light swung gently.
I tried to move but more pain shot through me as my body tensed up. I lied still again just as Doc and Charles appeared over my head.
"The anesthesia wore off." Doc said plainly.
"He's alive!!" Charles yelled as tears began to rain near my face.
Blake appeared from my peripheral and stood next to me. His face was covered in dirt, cuts, and bruises and had a very distinct tiredness to it. "Hey... Sorry for the drug earlier. I was dealing with enough people. We managed to get everyone 'restrained' for lack of a better word." Blake looked at me. "How are you?" Blake glanced at Charles. "I swear Charles, if you dare comment..."
Charles mumbled a reply but his sob took over as he stared at me.
I looked at Blake. "Yea... I'm here I guess..."
"Well good to hear." Blake rolled his shoulders and sighed. "Suppose you want to hear how everyone is doing?"
I tensed up slightly and nodded. "Yea. I'd appreciate it..."
"Rex is still fighting the Taken infection. The Awoken put him in solitary confinement. Kate is still freakin' the f*** out. And..." Blake wiped some blood from his face. "...She has daggers for fingers! We had to restrain her too, she does not like to be separated from him."
I gave a small laugh. "Yea... she's worried about him and she's a Hunter, you should have seen that coming."
"Our Hunter throws 'em, not hack and slash like a maniac." Blake shifted slightly and continued. "Laurentine, well, physically he is good. We got his arm wrapped up and pain drugs should help. Mentally, he's a vegetable. He responds, but he hasn't eaten and he hasn't moved much since we arrived..." Blake swallowed. "I don't know what's wrong with Angelica... I barely understand Warlocks and their 'paracasual' abilities but... I don't know what's wrong."
I winced and nodded. "Oh... I see... Well ah... Will Laurentine be fine? Will he need a new replacement arm? And what about Natasha?"
Charles sobs. "That b**** left... She was pissy cause they kept her from Rex or something."
"Yeah, that." Said Blake as he pointed to Charles. "Laurentine hasn't put down his Ghost. As unnecessary it is to say, he is quite connected to him and won't let go. Now, his arm, ultimately, that is his call. Alan got his arm replacement from a person on Venus."
"We still can experiment with a para-biomass arm with the sample from Phantom..." said Doc.
"No!" Yelled Blake as he turned. "Stop with the sample. You want to experiment, try it on yourself."
"I see... Well at the very least he will be alright." I tried to sit up and move but pain shot through my body. I bit my lip and kept talking. "I should go see them."
Blake quickly put his arm around me and helped me up. "Where to first?" He gave a reassuring smile.
"Laurentine first."
Blake nodded and helped me down the long hallways until we saw two Awoken guards standing infront of a door. Blake gave them a nod and the two guards nodded back, opening the door. The room was dark except for a single, dim light in the center. A figure was sitting against the wall in the very corner of the room with the least amount of light shining on him. His head was down looking at a small busted object in his hand.
I wet my lips slightly as me and Blake stood in the doorway. "Laurentine? Buddy you ok?.."
Laurentine moved just slightly in response and looked in our direction. His face was partially covered by darkness but his normally piercing sea green eyes had a dull glaze over them as if he were caught in a trance.
Blake slowly set me down on a bench near Laurentine. "I'll let you two talk, I'll sit back."
I nodded my thanks and looks at Laurentine. "Can you talk to me?"
Laurentine slowly looked at me then at Blake. His eyes seemed to show a small semblance of wanting to speak but not with him in the room.
Blake, who was propped on a table, gave a nod and left, shutting the door behind him. The silence drew out as Laurentine shifted again and looked at me. His eyes began to clear a little as he inhaled to speak. "How... are you?.." His voice was frail and weak as if he had reverted into a child.
I nodded. "I'm ok... They haven't told me what's wrong but..." I showed the large scar in my abdomen. "I've been better." I gave a small laugh to brighten the mood but Laurentine recoiled in a bit. I cleared my throat. "So how have you been?"
He blinked at me and glanced down at his hand. I looked to see him slowly lift up James, who was completely still and broken into several pieces.
"Oh... Can.. he be fixed?"
"I... don't know..." His voice broke in sadness and he glanced back up at me. "How's...?"
Charles appeared beside me, still sobbing. "I'm just fine... Oh I can't take this..." He quickly disappeared.
I shook my head. "Yea Charles is ok."
"And... everyone else?..."
"I haven't heard much. Rex is still acting up and Kate is losing it but Angelica I'm told is... fine. She's atleast stable."
Laurentine nodded a little and leaned against the wall, further into the shadows. I watched him and tried to make out his face. He didn't have his hood on but he took care not to let his face be see. His eyes were the only thing that stood out in the darkness as he looked down at James.
I waited a few seconds before speaking again. "Did something happen to your face?"
He flinched and shook his head. "No... Nothing... I just... no..."
James' core light up very slowly as if to try and communicate but it died back down to nothing. Laurentine didn't seem to notice as he continued to stare.
"Ok... Well you know I'm here to help if you need me as is Blake." I placed my hand on his shoulder gently. "He won't do anything that would intentionally hurt us."
Laurentine gave a tiny nod. "Yea... Do you.. think we will be able to... go back to the Tower soon?..."
"I think so, the Reef has no need for useless Guardians..."
"Good... I don't want to be here anymore."
"Why not?"
Laurentine fell silent again and he ran his thumb over James.
I sighed and shook my head. "Ok... Will you tell me one day?" He continued to stay silent. "Alright... Well I'll let you rest up then."
"Blake?" I asked as I stood up slowly, leaning against the wall.
The door gave a groan as Blake walked back in, gave me some support, nodded to Laurentine, and helped me out.
I gave a small wave behind my back and smiled. "See ya later buddy."
Laurentine hid in the shadows again. "Bye..." His voice echoed as the door closed behind us.
"So... where to next? I doubt I'll be able to talk to Rex and Kate by any chance without causing something..." I said.
"I believe Angelica should be awake." Blake glanced at me, waiting for an answer.
I nodded. "I guess... we can go see."
"I believe she was moved down the hall, over here." Blake helped me along.
I gathered my thoughts as we walked. "If I may ask... is there something... wrong with Laurentine? I couldn't get a good look at him but... he's hiding something... I know he's worried about his Ghost and all but there's something else, like he's scared to step outside."
Blake seemed startled by the question. "I promised him I'd keep 'it' confidential. I thought he would have told you, be it you're the ring leader. That's between you two."
"Oh... alright. I just wanted to help is all." I gave a small smile but it faded as I hobbled down the hall with Blake.
After three more minutes, we stop at another guarded door. Blake waved his hand and the Awoken guards opened the door. Blake helped me in and we stood just inside the room.
On the bed laid Angelica, who was currently coiled up in a ball. Her back was facing us as she was laying on her right side. Bandages and wraps were all over her body but more heavily on her left side except for her back where a large open gash was torn, like something was ripped off. Her head perked as she turned to look. "Oh.. hey!..." Her voice was weak but somehow still cheerful as she sat up and faced us.
I stood perfectly still and stared in silence. I felt a soft nudge as Blake looked to Angelica. "I'm sorry, I wish I could helped out more."
She gave a soft smile. "No worries, I feel better now thanks to you."
Blake nodded and looked to Josiah. "Need to talk in pri...?"
Suddenly a small alarm bell roared to a quiet dull sound. The guards bolted upright and raced down the hallway.
"Ah, s***!" Blake looked out into the hallway. "I think it would be safer if you stayed here. Someone didn't tie Rex down good enough."
"Alright..." I managed to get a seat by Angelica.
He gave a nod and raced down the hall after the Guards, closing the door behind him swiftly. I listened to the pounding footsteps as the alarm rang for several more seconds then fell silent, hitting us both as we looked to each other.
https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/204855588/0/0 link to chapter 30
https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/205968335/0/0 link to chapter 31.5
I'm loving this story🤗 keep up the good work🙂
Great chapter.
Great work!
Whew, looks like I finally caught up! Kinda weird that Josiah didn't thank Laurentine for running to get Blake D: Keep it up!
poor laurentine, man everyones messed up, and #Rexisbeast
Great chapter! I'm assuming you wouldn't mind mentioning what's wrong with Laurentine?
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