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5/28/2016 4:34:48 AM

Community Carnage - Destiny Iron Banner - Sunday, May 29th @ 6 PM

[quote]Crucible Carnage - IRON BANNER Sunday, May 29th @ 6:00PM Pacific Time Type "Pacific Daylight Time" and 6:00 PM to localize the time[/quote] How's it going? Looking for some new friends to kick ass? This Sunday, May 29th, the Community Carnage will be hosting a Crucible Carnage Night in the Iron Banner playlist of[i] Destiny: The Taken King[/i]. Come join us! To join the fray, grab a spot via [url=]the new #Recruitment function[/url] [b]and please reply to this thread with your Gamertag/PSN ID[/b]. [i]You may reply to this thread even when there are no spots left.[/i] Lobbies will be first come, first served. We will try to establish Live streams for those who want to watch or can't get a spot in time. Invites for lobbies will go out from the host mentioned below at 10 till the hour, at the hour, and 10 after; after which point any empty spots will be filled from a substitute list (a list of people who signed up but didn't get a spot in time). [quote][b]HOSTS:[/b] [b]Playstation 4:[/b] OMARCHRR (PSN ID: Crouchosaurus) [/quote] [spoiler]Note: this list serves to inform the host of the participants Latest Update: [u][b]PS4:[/b][/u] 1. OMARCHRR (ID: Crouchosaurus)[b](HOST)[/b] 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. [/spoiler]

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