"I wasn't trying to. But the look in your eyes terrified me its was like you eyeing me like enemy" "I knew if i got close to you when you were like that it would be my end. Cause you weren't yourself" *she crosses her arms* "Crossbow was there too!"
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Really? I didn't do anything, and THIS DOG grabs me by the arm, and almost rips it off, and you stand there, letting it happen! I still have the scar! *He lifts up his sleeve, and there is nothing there* What? This can't be! WHAT DID YOU DO? [spoiler]Mortar, while under the affect of Gore, was in a hallucination, where everyone he knew tried to kill him.[/spoiler] -
"She didn't attack you either you attacked US andthere is no scar"she says *leyla still doesn't feel the greatest and this is starting to wear on her* "Look here im in no mood for this right now i push myself to hard earlier and i need to rest. And now i feel faint"she says weakly *leyla faints while she is still clinging to aiyanna back but she doesn't fall off* -leyla??-
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
AND ANOTHER--- Leyla? Are you okay? *Mortar walks up to Aiyanna and Leyla to make sure she's okay* Come on, stay with me -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/30/2016 4:07:31 PM*aiyanna looks at mortar* -i do hope you that circle you messed with was a multiple seal and when she was in the process breaking the last two seals you show up. So used she the one spell that she knew that wouldnt cause you any harm. but its was very strong spell that takes a lot of energy to cast. Im really surpised she was able to break the last seal after that-
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Mortar is silent a moment* So... I was trying to kill you, not the other way around... But when did you bite my arm? How would that subdue me more than she did? -
-yes you did and i never bit you- *leyla is still out cold but she starts to slide off aiyanna's back.* -she sliding off but she has handful of my fur-
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Mortar grabs her* I'm sorry. *Mortar lays her down on the grass* How many people had I killed? -
-i wouldn't know- *aiyanna watches mortar catch her and lays her down on the grass. Aiyanna sits next to her after awhile leyla starts to stir a little bit*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
She's waking up. *Mortar walks back to her* You okay there? -
"Yeah i think so but still feeling kinda of weak.why am i on the ground?"she asks *ugh im still feeling very tired she thinks to herself.* *she sits up slowly her body still feels drained. And very tired.*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
It's okay, you kinda passed out and fell off her... -
"Oh well thats no good"shes says well we still have to find out who did this shit. But at we have a clue though. The person that did was ballys enough leave a note.which i still have" *she hands mortar the note so he can look at it* "Somehow manage to sneak past me and steal my book then sneak back in to put it back". She says
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
That's weird. For the most part, you've had your book in eyesight all day long -
"Yeah that what bothers me it means someone has been watching me long enough to know when im not using it. Which would be when im sleeping and that unsettling know that someone has been watching me for that long"she says -that pretty creepy but i never sensed anything either- *leyla is start to get creeped by that fact that this person was watching but doesn't know when or if they come back* "What if it trys to come back take my book again"she says "We need to set a trap for it" she says
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
I have security cameras. I can put them outside, just, make sure you change when you AREN'T in view of the cameras, I'm not a perve. -
"Ok understood is there any other spots your gonna put them we should probably put couple in my room there maybe. Just a fair warning though my room is a little messy" she says. "Lets go see where need to stick them at" she says.
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
The messier the better, easier to hide them, like a sniper. -
"Yeah well its really messy thats why my dad and sister dont go in there." "Let go to the cave so we pick spots to put the cameras at you."she says
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Alright. *Let's see what to expect, he thought as he followed Leyla* -
*she walk into the cave the is very but this just the main room in back the room there a pretty big tunnel in back which she walks down it until she get to a large entry way that has a sign that says enter at your on risk.* "Well here my room" she says *she pulls back the curtain in front that entry way its kind of dark in her room so she walks over to another curtain. She tries pulling it open but she accidentally pulls whole thing down.* "Oops i'll fix that later you can come just watch your step"she says *the inside of leyla room is big there a lot of different stacks books of covering a table along with a thick layer of dust she has stuff stacked up all along floor the two only two areas in her that are remotely clean is her bed where she sleeps and small table in the back that has bunch of old pictures frames with photos in them. The couple crates is the that has a couple a random objects in it. There a couple weapons lying about here and there.* "Sorry about my room being so messy." *then she hears a someone walking down the corridor. leyla sticks her head out into the hallway she sees serenity muttering to herself as she walk in to her own room. *
Edited by BrandRobKus: 6/2/2016 1:01:22 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
It's okay... Looks like this Host's old room Just tell me where -
"Host?? Who that" "Lets see where we can hide them." *she looks around the room for a second* "We can hide some up high and some low. like in the bookshelf, one near those you can one in those two empty holes in the wall will just have figure out where put the rest" *she bumps into a tall stack of books and the tip over in a large crash behind her. You hear her sister shouting at her from her room* "For love god leyla quit being so loud damn it" shouts serenity from across the hall.
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
SORRY, WE'RE JUST INSTALLING SOME CAMERAS! Oh, Leyla. Don't worry about the "host" thing. Alright, you want one here? -
*leyla hears serenity in the other room shouting again* "My god if i have to come in there come in there..."serenity shouts unhappily. "Dont mind her she just moody when shes tired"says leyla "Yes that camera can go there"