My roommate and I run a stream on Twitch where we carry people to the Lighthouse for free!
We are both ranked in the top 1% of all Trials players on PS4 [AND] XB1
We choose who we play with using a raffle. It's the best way to be fair to everyone
All you need to do to be a part of this is come to our stream (the link is below)
If you win the raffle then we will take you to the Lighthouse on PS4 or XB1
That's it! Best of luck to all you Guardians! We'll see you in the Trials
Trials 24/7 Tired of getting close only to lose on your final game? Looking for tips and tricks on how to outplay your opponents? You've come to the right place. Your future lighthouse sherpa here. Looking to help/carry people for FREE this weekend get to the lighthouse. I help 10-20 people to flawless each weekend. Top 300 in trials in the world. 2300+ followers on twitch I also play with 20+ people that are ranked in the top 300 in the world in trials that help me Please help me build up my twitch stream and I will continue to help people with trials every week.