Ok, so. I was speaking with my ex and she was talking about how she wanted to get back together. Seeing as in the past 2 years we'd gone out several times and each time ended worse than the last, I declined saying that I didn't find the relationship enjoyable. She asked what specifically I didn't like. We didn't have too much in common as far as recreational activities go, so I said "I didn't have as much fun as I'd like to have", seeing as we'd more often than not do what she wanted to do over what I wanted to do. She then sent me a wall of text telling me how what I said was emotional manipulation. Oh, and then she blocked me on everything.
So, am I just not understanding something or what?
Here's the simple answer. You didn't do anything wrong. You were honest and direct and answered her questions. People don't like and have different reactions to rejection. Some people are not used to rejection and take it very personally and react dramatically. Looks like your ex is one of those folks. Other's shrug, accept that not every offer is going to be accepted, and move on. Those folks understand that while a rejection is personal in regards to the fact that you are personally being told "no, no thank you, or even hell no, get the -blam!- away from me" that everyone has the right to say no to someone who is asking for their attention.