Why in the world do you guys invest so mush time and effort into creating so many blue and green weapons, when they'll be completely obselete in at most a week?
Honestly some of these blues look amazing, but are inferior in almost every aspect. For example, the tiger scout rifle from year 1 or the pulsar msc ( the blue and green one with the pool ball on it ), are all cool weapons but are held back because of the lack of perks and rarity.
Why not just focus more time on legendaries? Make certain ones only obtainable in certain playlists ( to not water down the drop table, but make some both obtainable like a venn diagram ). I feel like blues are around 40 percent if the guns, but become useless. Make a change! Maybe 80% purple, and make it like y1, where you have 2 options in vanguard or crucible vendors plz!
Shameless bump i hope!?