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Edited by AnonPig: 8/16/2015 8:05:47 PM

Dredgen Yor and the murder of Jaren Ward

Hello and welcome guardians! This is your friendly neighborhood AnonPig, and back from my hiatus I want to come in strong. This post will be showing you exactly why Bungie is lying to us, well, misleading us. The newest card in the Thorn/Last Word story, Thorn 3, shows a conversation between 2 people, likely Shin and Dredgen, but I just cant shake the feeling that its between Jaren and Dredgen. The following theory is going to be based around that. Lets put the cards in order chronologically for ease of interpretation, this will also include the flavour texts of Cloak of Dredgen Yor and Thalor’s Golden Maul. [b]Thorn (the beginning of it) Last Word Last Word 2 Dark Age 2 Thorn 2 Cloak of Dredgen Yor Thorn 3 Last Word 3[/b] . Now thats quite a list to be referenced, but its quite a story to inspect. I will point out all the important facts that lead me to the final conclusion: Jaren Ward knew Dredgen Yor (well the man he was before Luna) and actually worked alongside him. Jaren adopted many people, Shin Malphur being one of the most notable, and brought them along his journey to aid in his lost friend. . [b]edit Please disregard Thorn 3 when I have time I'm going to fix this, it's clearly not between Jaren and Dredgen, it's between Dredgen and his ghost. For my folly I offer you a clue, if Dredgen was someone else, who was he?[/b] As i said, the beginning of Thorn is the beginning of the story.[quote]The noble man stood. And the people looked to him. For he was a beacon - hope given form, yet still only a man. And within that truth there was great promise. If one man could stand against the night, then so too could anyone - everyone. In his strong hand the man held a Rose. And his aura burned bright. When the man journeyed on, the people remembered. In his wake hope spread. But the man had a secret fear. His thoughts were dark. A sadness crept from the depths of his being. He had been a hero for so long, but pride had led him down sorrow's road.[/quote] This man was the man that became Dredgen Yor, this was the man that fought alongside Jaren Ward. This was the man who went to Luna to fight Crota, and came back with a worse fate than anyone else. Dredgen, before he was Dredge, carried the handcannon Rose. Clearly a similar gun to Thorn, but due to Hive magicks it became corrupt just as he did. But likely before this we had Jaren Ward meeting Shin Malphur for the first time. As seen throughout the Last Word Grimoires Jaren came to Palamon with a purpose, to kill the cruel Magistrate Loken. At first glance he may not seem like a bad man, he tries hard to protect his people, but what he really did was constrict them. Hold them back from moving on to a safer place: The Last City. Shin’s parents are even said to have been taken by Dregs, clearly there are better locations to live than Palamon, but when the Hunters of the frontier, like Jaren Ward, came to bring the people he refused them. When Jaren came and put an end to Loken’s life the town knew what he did was just, and they followed him. Now, i made my point clear, I believe Jaren and the man that became Dredgen knew each other and worked closely together. There are no direct Grimoire cards that state this, but there are parts that directly imply Jaren and Dredgen are at the very least separate people.[quote]Until two men entered my world. One a light. The other the darkest shadow I would ever know.[/quote]-taken from Last Word Moving onto Thorn 2 we see the interaction between Dredgen Yor and three unidentified men, in this card we see Dredgen bragging about going to the moon, even though its said that none go there. This is because of Crota, the man that was Dredgen went to Luna in the initial assault on Crota when the Tower was still cocky over its small victories. This event happened before Eris went to the moon with her fireteam. It also speaks of how he made Thorn, this isnt the man speaking however; this is the shadow that took him. [quote][u.1:0.7] Can I see it? [u.2:0.5] Not likely. [silence] [u.1:0.8] Where'd...where'd you find it? [silence] [u.1:0.9] You hearin' me? [silence] [u.3:0.1] He asked you question. [silence] [u.2:0.6] Didn't find it. Made it. [u.1:1.0] Heh. Helluva touch you got then. You a 'smith? [u.2:0.7] I look like a 'smith? [u.1:1.1] Looks can be deceiving. [u.2:0.8] Got that right. [u.1:1.2] There a problem? [u.2:0.9] Doesn't need to be. [u.1:1.3] Glad we got that cleared up...Now, about that piece. [silence] [u.2:1.0] Been to Luna? [u.1:1.4] Excuse me? [u.2:1.1] The Moon. You been? [u.1:1.5] Nobody's been.[/quote]I won’t just put the whole card here, but it does hold more information and i suggest you read it entirely. It speaks of the bones on the moon to imply just how many have died. It also says how Dredgen killed two of the people he spoke to. He left the third alive as he reminisced about Rose, and what it became.[quote][u.2:4.1] Look at it. [u.2:4.2] Open your eyes. [audible sobbing] [u.2:4.3] Not many get such a clean view. [u.2:4.4] The bone...You see it. Jagged, like thorns. [u.2:4.5] I used to think of it as a rose... [u.2:4.6] Focusing on its bloom. [u.2:4.7] But the bloom is just a byproduct of its anger.[/quote] This shows that Dredgen, the man who just killed 3 people he only just met, once carried Rose. This man was completely insane, his mind torn by the Darkness he killed without care. One that was lost was Pahanin. I won’t lie to all of you. Pahanin is my favorite lore piece. It could even be said i have a L.I.F.E. but that’s besides the point. [quote]Before he murdered Pahanin, Dredgen Yor ruled the Crucible, the notorious Thorn at his side.[/quote]-taken from Cloak of Dredgen Yor Now onto our newest card. Thorn 3, [url=]If you dont have the card, go here and read it for its entirity[/url] This card is a conversation between Dredgen and his ghost, but more importantly, this is the last attempt his ghost makes at saving his Light. [quote][u.2:3.0] Was I special? [u.1:3.0] You were. [u.2:3.1] But only as special as any other. [u.1:3.1] You are all special. [u.2:3.2] Seems to contradict the word don’t it. [u.1:3.2] Not in my estimation. [u.2:3.3] If we’re all special, are any of us special? [u.1:3.3] Is that what you want? To be special?[/quote] “u.2.” is confirmed as being Dredgen Yor in this card so that leaves “u.1.” to be questioned. “u.2.” also has his old name removed from the audio. I believe this is meant to mislead us. if it were Jaren Ward, a guardian we know well, why not confirm it? I believe a guardian who we dont know, or maybe know but haven’t connected to this story, is the original Dredgen Yor.[quote][u.1:5.4] You… [u.2:5.7] Nothing dies like hope. I cherish it. [u.1:5.5] You’re a monster. [u.2:5.8] Finally, you see the truth. [u.1:5.6] [REDACTED] is truly dead. [u.2:5.9] So I’ve said. Long live Dredgen Yor. [u.1:5.7] This is farewell, but you can only run from your sins so far. In the end, you will die alone. [u.2:6.0] Maybe so. But I gotta tell ya… I tend to like my odds. [u.1:5.8] Your tainted “Rose” will not always save you. [u.2:6.1] Old friend… It already has.[/quote] Most important here is the last words of his ghost. “Your tainted Rose...” this implies that Dredgen Yor had Rose. moving into the next card, if you haven’t already, you’ll see the significance of it. So we come to the end of the post, with the last card, Last Word 3. This card is the final piece, completely solidifying the fact that Dredgen Yor is not Jaren Ward. Shin Malphur is narrating this card. [quote]There were six of us then. Three less than two moons prior, but still, one more than when we'd first turned our backs to Palamon's ash.[/quote] As i pointed out in Thorn 2 Dredgen Yor killed three men, three men who were rather interested in seeing Thorn. Why would that be? Perhaps to confirm his identity? [quote]We all woke that night, closer to morning than the previous day. A crack of gunfire split through the wood. Then more. Far off, but near enough to pump the blood. A familiar ring. "Last Word." Jaren's sidearm. His best friend. Then another. A single shot, an unmistakable echo calling through the night. Hushed, cutting. One shot, dark and infernal. Followed by silence. We crouched low and quiet. Listening. Hoping. Jaren was gone. Off on his own. Maybe we were closer than we'd allowed ourselves to believe. Too close. He'd gone to face death alone.[/quote] This shows Jaren fighting the person using Thorn, the card continues to show his ghost going to find Shin. Jaren and Dredgen were speaking, as said in Thorn 3, when Jaren knew there was nothing left of his old friend, nothing left that could be saved, he fired. Distraught from his loss his aim was not true. Dredgen murdered Jaren that night. Thankyou all for reading, this is your friendly neighboorhood AnonPig! If you're looking for more: [url=]AnonPig’s Theories Archived[/url]

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