So I've looked and looked, (albeit I could probably look some more, but still) all over the internet for reasons why I haven't gotten this quest line yet. Here's the requirements that I have found so far:
1. Complete story
2. Hit lvl 40
3. Be rank 3 in Crucible
So! I have done all of these, seeing we are pretty far into The Taken King. I know most people have this gun already, but I have yet to even see this quest, even after hitting these speculated requirements. I do, however, have a theory:
Considering you need The Last Word exotic handcannon to complete this quest, maybe you can't even get the quest until you've hit the aforementioned requirements, AND have, or have at least discovered, The Last Word weapon. Seeing how most everyone already has this exotic, they wouldn't have known that they needed it.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "JAY. HOW IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH DO YOU NOT HAVE THE LAST WORD YET?!" Well I just don't, ok, so get off my case, sheesh. I never got it in year 1 and haven't gotten it yet in year 2. I want it more than a man needs water, but RNGesus hates me.
What are your thoughts on this?
I have TLW and all of those requirements and I STILL don't have the quest so idk what's wrong