originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Your knife suddenly gets yanked out of your hand and you are put into a full Nelson. As Leyla falls, a foot slows her down so she hits the ground gently.*
"Thats what afraid of there coming for her this was just scout of the coven that wife used to be in she was one the more stronger members. Now that they know shes here the head of the coven coming for her." *he sits down as looks at the knife in his hands* "You should of killed her she has probably sent word to her leader. But i thank you for saving her last night if you weren't here she surely would have been taken" says hovark "The coven she belong to were known as the Blackrose coven. They very dark coven." He says
"I'm just glad I checked up when I did... So... How dark do you mean when you talk about this coven... What exactly are we dealing with here?"
"Well lets just says not good they dabble in all thing fouls. Her mother grew up in that coven and she was with them for a long time before she met me. But now their after my daughter."he says
"We need to tell Leyla..."
"Yeah but that be really to explain to that her though" he says.
"Why is that?"
"I never told her mothers past. That why its gonna be tough to explain her. " he says *he looks off into the distance*
"It would probably be for the best though... She needs to know the danger she is in..."
"Yeah let just wait till she wakes up" he says
"Okay... Should I stay or should I go? I'm fine with either..."
"You can stay i have no problem with that" he says *you hear footsteps and its leyla walk up she looks tired as she yawns. * " Hi dad what up?" She says
*Nudges Hovark.*
"Sit down leyla we need to talk" he says "Ok about what?"she asks *sit down next to her father* "Your mother leyla about her past" he says "Okay what about her past"she asks. "Well the no easy way to put this than your mother was a second in command in a evil coven called the black rose and now i fear that they are coming you cause the woman that attacked you was apart of that coven." "Your lying mom was a saint" she says upset. *she couldn't believe what she was hearing* "I wish was child but your mother was a very strong spellcaster. " "but they now there after you so i dont want you alone anymore cause fear for your safety understood" he says "Yes father.." she says
"If she can't be alone now then who is going to have to stay with her?"
"Serenity's wolf aiyanna pretty much follows her around so probably her." He says.
Edited by Skatch142: 6/4/2016 2:22:18 AM"Oh, okay..." *There's a hint of disappointment as he speaks.*
"I can't choose who follows me around dad" she says "I guess you can"he says "Can i choose sketch he did save me from her" She says "Well sketch it your choice in the matter?"he says
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine with it." *Doesn't realize his tail starts wagging.*
"Alright then its settled but just to be little safer at night aiyanna gonna be in your room at when you sleep says hovark. "Okay dad" she says *she looks over and sees sketch wagging his tail* "Hows your shoulder leyla?" He asks "Huh its still kinda hurts" she says. *hovark look at her shoulder where her stitches are. it looks red and angry* "Good job on the stitches sketch" says hovark.
"Oh, thanks... I usually just stitch myself up after fights..." *He realizes his tail is wagging and looks a little embarrassed. At first he looks like he is trying to make his tail stop using his mind but he gives up, grabs it and starts trying to hold it in one place.*
*hovark sees aiyanna drags something big the woods it looks like person* -i caught a inturder- "Is that her from earlierI?" She asks *aiyanna got by the the person by the leg dragging on them toward you. You can see the figgure struggling get away but to avail.* "Let me go damn it"
"I think that's her!"
"Let me go" *aiyanna brings the figure to hovark* *you see trying it really hard to get away aiyanna but has a really good grip on it leg. Its tail flails about in the air*
"Yep... That's her, the tail gives her away..."
*she looks up to and see sketch her eyes get big when she see him* "I see we meet again beast" she says *she look over to where hovark is she starts trembling cause he gets and walks overy to her* "Alright your gonna start talking cause its gonna get ugly for you and not in very kind mood"he says *he glances back at leyla then back her* "So talk or else" he says