originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]Terribly sorry for the wait. Ban hammer hit me hard ;_; [/spoiler]
"Diffuse it?"
[u]Can you?[/u]
I think I can [b]Yea, Leyla was Almost able to, but then Gore caused a distraction.[/b] Not to mention the fact that someone stole her book...
"Wait Leyla tried?"
[i]Yeah, she tried, and almost got it all. See how some of the symbols are black?[/i] *Crossbow points to the symbols* Of course, She forgot to finish, because she fainted from exhaustion
"Well shoot. So What can we do?"
Well, we gotta finish the job, then find out who did this. [spoiler]This ultimately led to Siren's latest post here[/spoiler]
"Undoubtedly." [spoiler]so now what? [/spoiler]
*Mortar takes a large syringe out of his sack and stabs himself with it. In a few seconds, it is filled with his blood. He chants something in Latin as he sprays it on the symbols. When he's done, he looks a lot more tired than he did.* Alright, I'm gonna go back to my place, rest up. *Mortar walks to his house, occasionally leaning to one side*
[u]Now what? [/u] [i]Wit? Crossbow?[/i]
[b]I'm going with Mortar, make sure Gore doesn't happen again[/b] [i]And i gotta go somewhere... nowhere really, it's just kind of important [/i]
"In that case I'm going back into the Shadow Realm." [i]You can't go! [/i] "It's vacation time. You can handle it Kross. And plus Crossbow knows where to find me."
[i]Yes, but Don't rely on me, I'm going on a pilgrimage type trip, trying to...[/i] *Crossbow trails off as he opens a shadow portal and walks through*
[b]I open my own and enter with Cadmael following. [/b] [i]What?!? That's it?[/i]
[b]I guess so.[/b] *Wit walks away*
[i]What about the circle?!? And the guy/girl screwing with Mortar? '![/i]
[b] Don't worry, we have it under control, we will find out[/b]
"Alright." [b]He walks away [/b]
[b]Oh, and...[/b]
[b]Try not to die.[/b] *Wit chuckles as he walks after Mortar*
"Oh I'll try."