Bramd - old
Well, I don't. *Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms next to Leyla, putting his hand over the symbol, diffusing it* Why are you here, though? *Mortar aims a large iron ball at you* -
"That my business so i dont have to tell you damn thing" she has coldly *she watches her mark on her vanish. She snaps her fingers and witch's staff appears in her left hand* "I tire of talking"
Bramd - old
Funny, I'm tired of evil assholes that come here almost weekly now. *Mortar summons his sword. It is a black katana/broadsword mix with red symbols on the sides, blazing with green flame* -
*she says nothing she just snaps her and she summons a pair of daggers.then she disappears vanishing into thin air with a sinster chuckles* *she watching you but you can see her*
Bramd - old
*Mortar sighs* I've done this trick lots of times, I don't think you'll do anything -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/3/2016 12:24:32 AM*off to your left a very large stack of thick books fall over. The stack of books land on her. She appears again but disappears just as quickly* *she looks at him from where she perched on top of one the but she doesn't know her tail visible right.*
Bramd - old
*Without saying anything, Mortar turns around and yanks the tail, then punches her in the face. It is very loud when doing so, and it wakes up Serenity.* -
"What the hell leyla do know what time is..."she says *serenity sees leyla slumped on the floor and mortar attacking a woman shes never seen before.* "Who ever you are you gonna pay dearly for messing with my little sister" she says angrily *behind her is aiyanna growling with teeth bared she pushes past serenity* *she more focused on mortar at when she jumps away from him. But then she bumps into something big she turn around and sees aiyanna she take a couple steps from snarling wolf* "Aiyanna capture but dont kill her"says serenity *aiyanna jumps after the intruder and grabs holds of her left arm biting down hard. She drags her the ground with sheer force pining her down to ground.* "Let see what you like under hood you damn bitch" *she pulls it off reveal a horribly disfigured face*
Bramd - old
Holy shit! That's what was under that hood! Put it back on PUT IT BACK ON! *While Aiyanna is holding the figure, Mortar walks over to Leyla and tends to her wound on her arm* Keep that figure there for a moment, gonna put her in a place she can't escape. *While rummaging through his bag, he trips on some stuff* Damn, this place is too small for four human shaped figures and a huge wolf. -
"Whats a matter you dont like my pretty face. She says coldy *she lying on the ground with aiyanna still holding her arm. She can't move cause if she does aiyanna applies more pressure to her arm. She squirms a little bit* "Owwww let go you gonna break it"she says. "That not gonna happen" says serenity coldly. *serenity put the figures hood back on then looks at her with arms crossed.* "Your gonna answer some questions" Serenity says. "I ain't telling you fking thing bitch"she says. *serenity leans closer to her* "Oh i think will you even i have to force it out of you" says serenity
Bramd - old
I KNOW a way. *Mortar pulls out an icy blue knife* Now talk -
"Never you can't make me" she says *she feel the wolf bite down more.* "Oh i think we can " "Now answer the questions." " Who are you and who do you work for?" Serenity. *she starts to laugh* "I ain't telling you shit either way im dead now if i go back. " she says angrily.
Bramd - old
Oh, wrong knife. *Mortar puts that away as he forms a black knife with red symbols* This WILL make you talk, one way or another. *It emits a dark energy she knows all too well.* -
"Im not gonna tell a you damn thing" she says. "You her heard she not gonna talk mortar" says serenity "Why you see if can make her little more cooperative mortar" says serenity. *she looks at the two them then at the blade she seen used once before.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks up to the woman, then stabs his knife into her. She blacks out, then wakes up in a strange, Hazy forest. The only things she can see are trees, a pale moon, some ruins, and Mortar* -
*she looks around confused* "What did you do?" "where are we?"
Bramd - old
Ah, welcome to my pocket dimension, a place where people go mad -
"What you gonna do to me" *she watches you with caution. But she doesn't realize she shaking with fear*
Bramd - old
Well, I'm gonna leave you hear until you confess... Here, two minutes feels like an eternity, so... -
"And if dont.." she says
Bramd - old
Oh, you will. The strongest wills have only lasted five minutes, you won't stand a chance. *Mortar chuckles, aware of your fear* -
"I well not talking"she says her voice trembling. *slowly dread and panic creeping start over her. She start panic as she starts hearing things that aren't there.* *her body is shaking with fear*
Bramd - old
Alright, but if you do want to, then call out. *Mortar seems to dissipate into the air, waking up next to an apple core in Leyla's room* *Mortar gags a little* sorry, what's going on? -
*serenity is sitting next to her who is laying behind still sleeping* "Not i much just picked leyla up and set on the bed." She says "So do care to explain what going on and that bitch attack my sister while we wait for her to crack"she says
Bramd - old
Well... all I know is that the person was lurking over her a while, I came here because I couldn't sleep, and sensed a problem, she... wanted Leyla and the book.