I'm tired of you kids always crying about not having a girlfriend. Guess what? It's not all its cracked up to be.
Women are overly emotional and cost way too much money. You think you're mother is over emotional? Think again. A young woman is a mess of estrogen and other hormones. Also, don't forget that certain time of the month. Just about anything can cause them to break down in tears all the way to throwing dishes at you.
Then there's the massive amount of money that you watch go down the drain. Get ready to drop at the minimum $40 on an evening. If you plan to throw in a movie that's going to be an extra $10-$15. Then you have to buy extra shit on the holidays. Have fun paying for jewelry, shoes, and clothes. Unless you're a cheap sob you're looking at at least $100 for those.
-blam!- that shit. Stay single, save your money, and be happy. You'll have all your time and money to yourself and you won't have to spend a dime on a, more than likely, useless waste of time.
I'm still recovering from a bad break up. As much as I want to share the sentiment, since I'm kind of done with dating for now, I have to disagree. People should pursue their romantic interests if they want to. I'm hurting right now, but the only reason I'm hurting is because I had such a great time with my significant other. We were a great couple for what it was worth, but things didn't work out. I would still rather have dated her and experienced the pain I'm feeling than never have dated her at all.