We get it, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but that doesn't mean that you need to announce to the world how you don't like it. Just now I was scrolling down and saw 15+ threads saying the exact same thing with absolutely no detail in the posts themselves other than the title, in the space of 60 seconds. If you want to bitch about it then find a post with more than 2 responses and reply to that, you are cluttering up the forum and we'd all appreciate it if you'd stop it. I'm not discouraging you from sharing your opinion just do it in a thread that already exists.
Edit: Not about anyone in specific, there's an endless amount of threads that are identical to each other, and have no detail in the OP.
Edited by Gomly1980: 6/1/2016 8:00:58 PMSo liking Overwatch is okay but screw anyone that doesn't like it? As for threads that are identical, I lost count of the amount of threads asking who our favourite Overwatch characters are. I'm sure people will stop making hate threads when people stop acting like a free to play game they paid £45 for is the second coming.