originally posted in:Iron Hamster
Hello Guardians-! Hope you guys are having a good week in Destiny. This past weekend we had Iron Banner ( hope everyone's loot was favorable ).
While in pvp the thought began to bubble in my head as me & my fireteam fell from a massive Void Bomb. I wondered..how does Void feel?
Within the three subclasses we have Solar, Arc & Void. Solar attacks must obviously feel like different degrees of fire & heat , while Arc damage must feel levels of shock & electricity. But what does Void attacks feel like? Does it feel agonizingly cold..or perhaps draining?
What do you guardians think Void feels like?
Be as descriptive as you like everyone. All thoughts matter and are welcome.
I personally feel like Void energy attacks us in a way unnatural to the elemental laws of physics. I feel when you get hit by void damage your soul is literally slammed out of your body, or silenced in an overwhelming vortex of darkness. As if you were hit by black hole energy( I'm making up words now but I think you know what I mean).
As always thank you for you kindness and attention.
P. Hikita of iron hamster clan NYC
It makes you feel all emo and depressed. When you die from void damage, you aren't being killed, you're actually committing suicide.
Spaghettification? EVAPORATION? Idk
Nothing destruction by void is becoming nothing
They feel like if someone yelled at you and now you feel blue :(
Kinda like the dementors from Harry Potter?
Void sucks gravity drain???
They originate in the nether realms , the tech was developed after the first invasion based upon the technique of an old sorcerer Shang Tsung which he used to create his thrall Ermac. I would assume then they feel similar to that.
They originate in the nether realms , the tech was developed after the first invasion based upon the technique of an old sorcerer Shang Tsung which he used to create his thrall Ermac. I would assume then they feel similar to that.
They suck. [spoiler]Ba-dum-tish! [/spoiler]
I assume its a cold feeling like the essence of your light is being drained. [spoiler]Like when you stick your dick in a vacuum [/spoiler]
Being ripped apart at a subatomic level. There is nothing left but a void where you once were.
I always pictured it as a feeling of dread. When the color drains from your face, your limbs feel weak, and that empty feeling in the pit of your stomach overwhelms you.
You know what it feels like when a Listerine strip dissolves on your tongue and its no longer like having a piece of plastic just sitting there? Like that.
They feel like succ
Like your a$$hole is being pulled through your face
Void damage feels like empty loneliness.
You know that feeling after you jizz and realise what you just nutted too is really gross? That feeling.
Void -Absence --Absence of matter ---Vacuum ----implosive sensation --absence of energy ---really fücking cold ----like, absolute zero cold
Well going off of warlocks, the voidwalker melee is called Energy Drain, and you can see where im going with this. It probably feels like all the energy in your body just evaporating. You know like that feeling of despair when you feel everything leave your body or a better example, when your right on the border of falling asleep and you can feel everything just leaving you. This is a really good comparison because think of when you jolt awake. One second you feel completely empty the next second you feel overloaded with energy. God damn it im rambling again....
A shudder
I associate it as like massive gravity
I feel like I throw a space right-cross like Mike Tyson. "Hahah-WhatTh-Gaurdian Down"
Just like yanking out 6 anal beads like you are trying to start a pull start lawn mower.
Void feels like being crushed by the force of gravity.
I've always thought of void as a gravitational power. I would think void grenades would feel crushing on your body, while also messing with your sense of time. Being hit with multiple impacts from a scatter grenade probably feels like your being ripped apart.
They make you feel empty inside