originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*the sword catch her in the shoulder slicing in deep she falls forward from the blow.*
*she appears again and starts pushing herself up from the cave floor. Her cloak falls to side as she get up and caught a glimpse of her tail*
*she grabs at the sword is stuck in her shoulder she pulls it out with a hiss*
*The sword disappears from her hand.* "Well little miss evil... Running away if your [i]tail[/i] between your legs I see... What are you?!"
"Im half demon" she says *she hides her tail from view by pulling her cloak back over it when stand back up* *i should probably cut my losses at this point she thinks to herself* *starts to head toward the doorway*
*His sword stabs into the ground in front of her, an invisible wall of air keeping her from leaving.* "You aren't going anywhere until you release her."
"Make me im good as dead anyway" *she collapse to her knees o*
Edited by Skatch142: 6/2/2016 3:09:53 AM"I can heal you, you know... Just please release her..."
"I i release you..." *with that leyla comes out her trance and she very confused* "You got what you want now let me go"
"I will let you go but I may have lied about the healing part..." *The sword disappears and he summons it again.* "I don't want to catch you here again you piece of s#%@..." *He swings his sword like a baseball bat, sending the figure flying out of the cave. He turns and goes over to Leyla.* "Leyla... Are you okay?"
"I-i think so what happened the last thing i remember is that figure standing over me." says leyla. *her head is still in fog as her head pounds and her shoulder was she bite her is hurt.* "My heads feels like been put in a vice." *she looks at her shoulder sees the deep bite mark on her shoulder* "Ouch this is gonna scar i hope it doesn't get infected." *she looks at sketch* "Can give hand me with this please"
Edited by Skatch142: 6/2/2016 3:09:14 PM"Yes... She also cut you at the base of your neck..." *He runs over to the cave entrance and picks up his backpack from outside and runs back with it and starts rummaging around in it.* "When I saw her in here I dropped my backpack at the entrance... Call me creepy but there's a reason I sometimes watch Dojo members while they sleep. Sometimes I get some sort of... Hint... Like an uneasy feeling when something is going on... Anyways, I have disinfectant." *He pulls out a small spray bottle.* "This will sting worse than anything you've ever felt..."
"Thanks "she says. *she take it and spray some of it on the bite.* "Son of a bitch that stings" she says *see looks at the bite mark and its deep.* "I gonna have to stitch this up"
Edited by Skatch142: 6/2/2016 6:14:27 PM"Yes I am... I'm not sure what having a wolf for a mother has to do with this... Anyways, I can do the stitches if I need to." *He pulls out a first aid kit and takes out a needle and thread.*
"Okay cause im gonna need them. She really bit deep." she says. * she sits down on the edge her bed* "This is gonna smart too i know it" she says
"Sadly I don't have anything to help with the pain so you're just going to have to power through it... Just don't look while I'm giving you the stitches... I always freak out when I watch." *He kneels down beside you and starts stitching.* "So, the woman who knocked you out... She put some sort of spell on you and had you under her control... I beat the crap out of her and made her release you... Half her face was very disfigured and she had a tail... She was apparently half demon... Do you know who she is or why she might have done this?"
*she doesn't look when he starts stitching her up her wound. She winces a little bit trying to hold still.* "I dont know anyone like that unfortunately. I have little clue what she wants. But i have feeling we haven't seen the last of her.
"No... I'm not sure we have... My question though is why you? Why would someone like that come after you?" *Finishes stitching.* "There..."
" im not really sure why" "But my father once told that mother before she passed used to be in very strong coven of witches and spellcasters she was apparently the second in command but she left after met him taking this book with her. So maybe thats why. " she says. *she gets up and walks over to a table that has a couple picture frames on it she grabs one. She brings it over to you.* "This what is my mom looked like" she says. *in the picture there a very short young woman standing next hovark. who looks just like leyla in every way expect one she has blue eyes*
"Wow... She looks just like you..."
"Yeah i get told that a lot" "so maybe they think im her i mean we do live a long time"
"They might but why would they even be doing it in the first place? Do you know if your mother may have done anything to provoke this before..."
"I wouldn't know my mom died giving giving birth to me. So i wouldn't my dad might but he is sleeping right now"
"Despite you just getting attacked, waking up a sleeping dragon sounds like a very bad idea and it still seems to be dark out... How about I keep watch at the cave entrance while you sleep?"
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/3/2016 7:17:12 PM"Okay it make take me a while to fall asleep though." "Dont follow me i gotta change this shirt since its covered in my blood" she say as she walks into small closet. *she come back out after a few minutes wearing black tank top with red stripes she climbs back into bed covers up with a purple and silver comforter.* "Goodnight sketch thank you so much i will see you in a couple hours "
Edited by Skatch142: 6/3/2016 8:56:41 PM"Goodnight Leyla." *He walks over to the cave entrance and sits down at the side, holding the WWI sniper rifle.*
*leyla falls back to sleep with her mind chalked full questions.* *a few hours pass and you hear footsteps from the back of cave. then you see hovark walk into view hes yawning and walking toward you but he doesn't notice you yet*
"Uh, hi Hovark."