Try me
Well... Apparently, Gore, my spirit, came back to kill people, but while I was doing so, I was imagining that they were killing me for no reason
What's so funny?
The fact you're freaking out over nothing. That sort of thing happens all the time.
I dunno, it felt too real. And ALL the time, really?
Yeah, sure. It's happened to almost all of us. [b]starts to grin[/b]
When did it happen to you?
Oh, near when I first joined... [b]the grin gets bigger[/b]
Oh tell me more... And what's with the grin?
Well, you see... I- [b]i burst out laughing[/b]
Oh, NOW I wanna know
You idiot. I'm lying. [b]keeps laughing[/b]
Oh... Weird
Yeah, I have no clue what you're talking about
Well, see ya I guess
[b]walks away[/b]