SO, I just finished ranking up my HoJ again today and...received another cloak. That makes 5 different level ups in a row between all 3 of my characters and all marks, bonds, and cloaks. I REALLY wish Bungie would stop giving items that can be purchased regardless. I mean we are clearly all grinding to get the weapons that are only attainable through ranking up. So why even offer those items that you're able to get by buying already? It's beyond frustrating to grind for a week and use boosters and run COE again and again to just get something I could buy at any moment. It was cute the first couple times it happened but I'm going on 6 ranks ups now with no weapons. I realize it won't change but I just had to write it down and yell so I can go have a sandwich and some sour patch kids and feel better that I said something out loud.
(End of pointless rant)
I would also like Bungle to remove class items from all packages. All vendors hand out class items like its the box of raisins from Eris.