[url]https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/65fd351d-d6bd-44c9-99fe-5a02e49bea62?gamertag=Getting%20High&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469[/url] [url]https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/bd52a717-2db4-4e74-979e-b55a6d1ffea3?gamertag=Getting%20High&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469[/url] [url]https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/5d11be3c-f7bc-472a-b8e6-55e340e44c0f?gamertag=Getting%20High&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469[/url] [url]https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/1baf07b2-68a9-470a-88fe-42df3f36c4df?gamertag=Getting%20High&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469[/url]
[url]https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/b5023586-9a69-4bdb-9f3e-f622a8964b0f?gamertag=Getting%20High&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469[/url] [url]https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/01ae50e6-1e16-4926-88f1-1fae322e158a?gamertag=Getting%20High&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469[/url] [url]https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/04560da4-db3d-49ab-ab9b-6a8f8944771b?gamertag=Getting%20High&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469[/url] [url]https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/46e12ba7-3839-4d46-bc94-943eeb61f31f?gamertag=Getting%20High&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469[/url] [url]https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/4bbe830b-d747-472a-a0c4-fe64d28d03c2?gamertag=Getting%20High&scid=37770100-f9ae-4b80-9dad-7c1d0ec14469[/url]
Me and my titan have never seen one
I keep getting "in times of need" all I want is a party crasher, I'll even take a crappy roll.
Over 9000
Edited by Keksis, enjoyer of memes: 6/4/2016 2:41:27 PMFinally got one yesterday Nothing extraordinary but it's decent Field choke Performance bonus Battle runner Fitted stock
I like my 2 to the morgue
Got two Rangefinder, reinforced barrel, and last resort Full auto and final round
It'll come, dude. I rarely use shotguns, never have, but I got an aggressive ballistics, final round, rifled barrel, rangefinder party crasher randomly. It's pretty fun to use.
Got a nice one today and saw two more drop for people.
Sucks to suck, get good scrub
I'm happy with the shotgun I have. And I don't care to use weapons everyone else dose.
Don't care if I get one or not because I have a full auto Conspiracy Theory-D.
I'm sorry i have a sweet roll pc+1 and you dont
You'll get one with a bugged double guerilla fighter perk.
I was literally going to post about this I got one party crasher since the taken King dropped, not to mention I've had a lot of my clanmates get party crashers with unreal rolls this RNG is some bullshit
I have a few y2 versions but with bad rolls. Had nice ones drop in y1 though...
I got dead last In a crucible game once. Got a party crasher with rangefinder and performance bonus. Better RoF, range, stability, and reload than the quest Conspiracy Theory-D.
I can't get 1 either. Good luck though, hope a solid one drops for you
Over 9000!!
I got danger close, max range and impact, and range finder, thing is disgustingly op
If only gotten one and it has aggressive/rangefinder/rifled barrel so all in all pretty good (:
Edited by HotSpot Gamer: 6/3/2016 6:41:49 PMI got one it has good range but I can get field choke and rifled barrel. The perks are battle runner and final round.
I got one with max range, rangefinder and performance bonus but I don't use it because I have so many other better roll ones
I can't get 1 either. Good luck though, hope a solid one drops for you
Do you weekly crucible bounties, all I get are party crashers
Edited by SubUTEC: 6/3/2016 6:16:28 PMI have the Party Crasher plus another three or four dismantled and six Eyasluna's. On my hunter...
Here's a vid of someone getting one. (not me, though)