So for those of you who may not have heard, a kid recently fell into a gorilla pit. The gorilla dragged the boy across the little river they had in there. In the end, the gorilla, named Harambe, was killed to ensure the little boy's safety.
Now people are outraged. People say that the little boy should have been left to die and the gorilla should have kept its life. Or they that tranquilizers should have been used when they fail to realize that tranquilizers would have taken about 15 minutes to take affect and all they would do is scare the silverback, most likely leading to a 3 year old in 3 different parts. Killing the gorilla was the ONLY way to ENSURE the child's life.
Now this incident and others are proof of why zoos are inherently bad. Idiots will be idiots and animals will be animals. Cases like this where bad parenting, being dumb, or even a zookeeper who interacts with the wild animals often ends up with either the animal dead (almost always), or a human being dieing. Animals are being punished for being animals, when in the first place they should be out being animals in the wild. We bring them into zoos for entertainment of the people when that has negative affects outside of this for the animals.
In the end, zoos shouldn't be a thing in the first place because they lead to animal deaths that, like the gorilla incident in Cincinnati, are necessary to protect human lives.
AND BEFORE SOMEONE BRINGS UP THE 7 BILLION PEOPLE TO (enter endangered species population here), imagine this:
Your daughter/son has fallen into a pit with a Silverback gorilla that could quite literally tear the manliest man in the world. Or since most of you are likely 12, imagine yourself, or your mother, or your little sister in there. Would you really take the chance of the gorilla killing whoever is in there just because the gorilla in captivity is endangered?
Stop giving money to zoos who make these lose-lose scenarios possible. Let animals be animals without being punished for it.
[spoiler]There isn't one because if you can't make 2-3 minutes to read this I don't want your opinion on the matter [/spoiler]
[quote]In the end, zoos shouldn't be a thing in the first place because they lead to animal deaths that, like the gorilla incident in Cincinnati, are necessary to protect human lives.[/quote] They're zoos, not meatpacking plants. Animals die in the wild, too, for human protection.