originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Yeah i get told that a lot"
"so maybe they think im her i mean we do live a long time"
"They might but why would they even be doing it in the first place? Do you know if your mother may have done anything to provoke this before..."
"I wouldn't know my mom died giving giving birth to me. So i wouldn't my dad might but he is sleeping right now"
"Despite you just getting attacked, waking up a sleeping dragon sounds like a very bad idea and it still seems to be dark out... How about I keep watch at the cave entrance while you sleep?"
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/3/2016 7:17:12 PM"Okay it make take me a while to fall asleep though." "Dont follow me i gotta change this shirt since its covered in my blood" she say as she walks into small closet. *she come back out after a few minutes wearing black tank top with red stripes she climbs back into bed covers up with a purple and silver comforter.* "Goodnight sketch thank you so much i will see you in a couple hours "
Edited by Skatch142: 6/3/2016 8:56:41 PM"Goodnight Leyla." *He walks over to the cave entrance and sits down at the side, holding the WWI sniper rifle.*
*leyla falls back to sleep with her mind chalked full questions.* *a few hours pass and you hear footsteps from the back of cave. then you see hovark walk into view hes yawning and walking toward you but he doesn't notice you yet*
"Uh, hi Hovark."
"Hmm oh hi there sketch you need something?" he says as yawns again *what is he doing he so early? That's a little odd...he thought.*
"Leyla was attacked by some sort or half demon woman last night... She cast some sort of spell on Leyla that put her under her control... I seriously injured her and made her release Leyla. You can go look, she's fine."
"Yes i think gonna" *he walks to her room he walks through the doorway he walks up to where her bed is as he does his kicks something. He bends down a picks up a knife and his turns pale as he recognizes it.* *this is not good this is bad he thought* *he walks back hold the knife* "Hey sketch did that woman drop this?" Asks hovark
"Yes, I think she might have... What? What's wrong?"
"Thats what afraid of there coming for her this was just scout of the coven that wife used to be in she was one the more stronger members. Now that they know shes here the head of the coven coming for her." *he sits down as looks at the knife in his hands* "You should of killed her she has probably sent word to her leader. But i thank you for saving her last night if you weren't here she surely would have been taken" says hovark "The coven she belong to were known as the Blackrose coven. They very dark coven." He says
"I'm just glad I checked up when I did... So... How dark do you mean when you talk about this coven... What exactly are we dealing with here?"
"Well lets just says not good they dabble in all thing fouls. Her mother grew up in that coven and she was with them for a long time before she met me. But now their after my daughter."he says
"We need to tell Leyla..."
"Yeah but that be really to explain to that her though" he says.
"Why is that?"
"I never told her mothers past. That why its gonna be tough to explain her. " he says *he looks off into the distance*
"It would probably be for the best though... She needs to know the danger she is in..."
"Yeah let just wait till she wakes up" he says
"Okay... Should I stay or should I go? I'm fine with either..."
"You can stay i have no problem with that" he says *you hear footsteps and its leyla walk up she looks tired as she yawns. * " Hi dad what up?" She says
*Nudges Hovark.*
"Sit down leyla we need to talk" he says "Ok about what?"she asks *sit down next to her father* "Your mother leyla about her past" he says "Okay what about her past"she asks. "Well the no easy way to put this than your mother was a second in command in a evil coven called the black rose and now i fear that they are coming you cause the woman that attacked you was apart of that coven." "Your lying mom was a saint" she says upset. *she couldn't believe what she was hearing* "I wish was child but your mother was a very strong spellcaster. " "but they now there after you so i dont want you alone anymore cause fear for your safety understood" he says "Yes father.." she says
"If she can't be alone now then who is going to have to stay with her?"