originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Despite you just getting attacked, waking up a sleeping dragon sounds like a very bad idea and it still seems to be dark out... How about I keep watch at the cave entrance while you sleep?"
"To be fair if you were to draw up a list i would be at the bottom and those two are near the top. Plus if they do come here they will kill me just for being seen with you." She says *She looks the wolf who still has her leg in her jaws. She wonders when they are gonna let go as wolf adjusts its teeth cutting into already throbbing in pain*
"Know what Aiyanna, I think she's had enough... [b][i][u]Don't. Try. Anything[/u][/i][/b]."
*without a word aiyanna lets go and her leg hits the hard ground which makes her yelp in pain.* "Shitttt" she says. *she sits up and she pull up her pant leg. Its a bloody mess and its bent at a unnatural angle.* "I couldn't move even wanted to so dont worry i will be." she says
"You may be evil but that just bothers me..." *He lifts up his foot and holds it over her leg. He moves his foot around as if looking for a good place to put it. He kicks her leg, very painfully snapping it back into position.* "There... It's set... Now you need to wait a few weeks before it can heal..."
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/5/2016 3:48:36 AM*she yelps when he kicks her leg setting her leg bringing tears of pain to her eyes* "Son of bitch that smarts" she says *looks at you * "I dont deserve anyones help here so why... are you even bothering... im good as dead anyway she says
Edited by Skatch142: 6/5/2016 4:20:24 AM"1: That's not insulting to me... That's stating a fact. 2: It's because I'm not evil... I don't leave people to die. Though I may really, really, REALLY dislike you, I won't kill you. You're almost there though..."
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/5/2016 4:42:56 AM"What that supposed to mean the not yet part?" She asks "If its my time to die i welcome it willingly. I have been though it all being poisoned, being set on fire, totured and being stabbed more times than i can count"she says. *as least i didn't get set on fire again* she thought. "So what are you gonna do now?"she asks
"What I mean by not yet is that You've almost done enough for my to justify killing you... As for that other stuff... I've had all that happen to me in the space of four months... As for what we'll do with you... Well, we are going to keep you here and make sure you don't do anything bad... Now who is going to watch her though?"
-i can watch her its not like dhe would be able to get from me unless someone else wants to- *she watches them discuss who gonna watch her* "Well whoever watches need to take all her belongings from her so she can't try anything."says hovark "Better yet i could watch her"says hovark "What did think would be better watching me or aiyanna sketch?" Asks hovark
"Hmmm... Aiyanna I think you might be better..."
-okay then and you better behave yourself- "Yeah i know im not gonna do anything"she aays *she just sits not doing anything*
"Okay, so how are we going to prepare? Are we going to train?"
"Hmm not sure but one thing though we can put her in the spare room in my cave she cant doing anything in there. but we got move her in there."he says "Then we can come plan what we are gonna do cause i dont want her to her know what we are planning"he says
"Okay then... Let's move her." *He picks her up and puts her over his shoulder, not caring wether it hurts her or not.* "Where's the room?"
"Follow me" *he leads you to a small room that smaller than leyla's it a bed but not much else.* *she doesn't move when he picks put her over his shoulder. She watches aiyanna who walking behind him*
*He plops her down on the bed.* "Huh... This room actually seems kind of cozy... Well, have fun being stuck here until we figure out what to do with you..." *He leaves the room once Aiyanna enters.* "Okay Hovark... Do you have any sort of plan?"
*she sits up on the bed watching him leave. She turns and sees aiyanna staring at her* "What " -what under the hood?- "A disfigured face see"she says lifting up her hood and showing her -holy shit what happened to your face- "A religious fanatic set me on fire once he realized i was half demon. He seen my tail. That very night i woke up to me being on fire. that why i hide my tail." Shes says *she pulls her hood back over face hiding it* "I have couple ideas but im thinking about it because the group were dealing with is no joke"
"I think I'm going to train... I have something that can help with that... Mind if I go get it?"
"Sure go ahead i just be here brainstorming ideas and what not" *lelya sitting nearby she quiet and lost in thought. Hovark places his hand on her shoulder and she jumps a little.* "Sorry didn't mean to scare yeah leyla" says hovark. "Its okay..." she says *why did have to be me there after she thought.* "You okay leyla you look a little pale"he asks "Im fine im just trying process everything" she says
Edited by Skatch142: 6/6/2016 1:26:09 AM*A while later, Sketch comes back with what seems to be some sort of extremely skinny robot wearing armor that is following close behind him. The robot's head appears to be a toaster. Sketch motions to the robot.* "Okay... I would like you all to meet Garry." *Garry points at Leyla.* *Garry "Oh my god! You're green! What the hell are-" *Sketch slaps Garry in the back of the head so hard that toast comes out as his head falls off.* "She's a mer!" *Garry "Well I'm sorry for not knowing what this frea-" *Sketch kicks his head into the side of the cave.* "Godd@#%it Garry..."
*leyla crosses her arms* "Yeah im green you got problem with that gary? Says leyla. *leyla looks at the strange robot* "Oh dont be rude like that gary pointing at someone like that is rude"she says *hovark watches her scold the robot.*
"Sorry about that... Garry was a talking toaster... I gave him a body but I probably should have tried changing his programming to have a better personality..." *He picks up Garry's head and screws it back onto his body.* "I use him as a dummy to practice on since he is an @$$hole in every way... Garry, say you're sorry." *Garry "I don't feel like." *Sketch shows his claws and makes sure hey are visible to Garry.* *Garry "Okay, okay... I know those can cut me... I'm sorry green woman." "Leyla." *Garry "I'm sorry Leyla."
"Apology expected but he if make fun of my height im gonna get mad". Says leyla. *she watches screw the robot's head back on* "So what you gonna use him for?" Asks hovark
"Practicing! I beat the s#%@ out of him and call it practicing!" *Garry "I would back fun of your height but Sketch made me just as tall as him, so you are actually taller than me." (Remember, Leyla is actually about 3 inches taller than Sketch because he is 5 feet tall... If anyone is short, it's Sketch.)
"I see well i spar with my dad garry and hes bigger than the both of us. I think its more fun that way" she says *hovark chuckles * "Yeah you just like tossing me Leyla" he says jokingly "Yup i sure do" she says