Open recruitment, looking to incorporate a few new players as our current player base is beginning to dwindle (activity wise). Still have a few active players although we need more for raids, PoE, etc.
Noob friendly, for the most part. We are willing to teach but occasionally we may call you an idiot...all in good fun of course.
Ps4 based, majority of clan has gone flawless in trials and we like our pvp just as much as our pve.
Message me, odds are we will accept, then please post in group message board for activities or for friend/ps4 community invites.
Few players stream, nothing fancy but just when we feel like showcasing how good/bad we are.
Although we like to think we can take a joke, certain humour should be avoided. If asked to refrain from certain comments in the future please do so. We got some sensitive eggs in the bunch.
Otherwise have fun out their Guardians!
Current recruitment status: Open
Hey I'm a 322 hunter. Looking somewhere where I can reliably find people to do raids with. It's one thing I've never really done in destiny. Not enough personal friend play. I've watched plenty of clips on youtube so I have a pretty good idea of what needs to be done. I'm fairly active (couple of hours a night). Never joined a clan so if you think I may fit then let me know what I need to do. CriceAlmighty