"I well not talking"she says her voice trembling. *slowly dread and panic creeping start over her. She start panic as she starts hearing things that aren't there.* *her body is shaking with fear*
Bramd - old
Alright, but if you do want to, then call out. *Mortar seems to dissipate into the air, waking up next to an apple core in Leyla's room* *Mortar gags a little* sorry, what's going on? -
*serenity is sitting next to her who is laying behind still sleeping* "Not i much just picked leyla up and set on the bed." She says "So do care to explain what going on and that bitch attack my sister while we wait for her to crack"she says
Bramd - old
Well... all I know is that the person was lurking over her a while, I came here because I couldn't sleep, and sensed a problem, she... wanted Leyla and the book. -
"Hmm i see " *elsewhere where is figure is....* *i cant take this anymoreI...she think* *the past few minutes have been an absolutely nightmare because now she cowering whimpering.* "Let me out no more all talk i tell you anything just make it stop" she shouts
Bramd - old
We got her. *Mortar opens a portal and drags her out* Spill it -
*she trembling when she exits the portal. She looks at them* "O-okay..."she says "I belong to very strong dark coven called the blackroses. My name is Avila Skyshard. Im a lower ranking member. Her mother was a second in command. A very powerful spellcaster she was to. Looks just like her. The leader wants her and the book but never told me why. Thats all i know i swear"she says trembling.
Bramd - old
Okay then... *Mortar is silent a moment* But do you know anything about this? *Mortar shows her a picture of the circle in the woods* -
*she looks at the pictures and goes pale* "That cheeky lil bitch was able to cast that. Not good were screwed i tell you screwed." She says starting to panic "I thought she was joking but she wasn't and that bitch disappeared after got down talking to me not that long ago her is Anaya
Bramd - old
Okay then. *Mortar puts the picture away and opens a portal* Stay in here until we know what to do with you. -
"What not again " she says terrified *shes trembling with fear when he puts her back.* *serenity watches her disappear into the portal* "so what now?" Asks serenity
Bramd - old
Well, what do we do with her? Right now, she's very gullible. That was just the placebo effect working on her, that's where I used to fight. -
"Not sure she did say that leader this coven wants leyla for something but we dont what. We could always turn her into a spy for us since she being cooperative right now but it might back fire." Says serenity. "You got any ideas." She asks
Bramd - old
If she has any communication things on her, we can take those and then free her, the poor bitch won't be the same after being in there long enough. -
"Yeah that sound like a plan"says serenity. *elsewhere....* *she looks around the area with fear. She cant stop stop shaking as she awaits her fate as will slowly breaks down the time she spends there*
Bramd - old
*A portal opens in front of her, Mortar's head pops out of it* Get in here, you rat bastard, we decided what to do with you -
*she walks through the but she extremely jumpy and skittish. She looks at the two of you still shaking.* "What are you gonna do to me?"she ask
Bramd - old
Other than take all you have other than the clothes on your back, nothing. Oh, and, do not go back to your coven -
*she takes off all her belongings expect for her clothing and she hand them over to mortar* "I couldn't go back even if wanted to they kill me because i failed"she says
Bramd - old
Of course. Now, leave before others come here. Before Hovark comes here. Before Gore comes here -
"Ok but where should i go cause i have nothing now." She says *she looks at the to of them*
Bramd - old
*Mortar thinks for a moment* You know, the Exiled always try to look for new members, especially those with demonic background -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/4/2016 8:49:37 PM"Who are they? I never heard of them." She says *then she has a look on her face like she wants to tell you something important*
Bramd - old
They will not harm you, unless you harm them. You want to say something? -
"You need to becareful cause the next ones she will send are nasty i have never seen them but there her personal guards there names are Carmack and Karma they will stop at nothing till they her." She says "I am nothing compared those two. I thought i should warn you." She says trembling slightly. "Now where am i supposed to get to get there?"she says