originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Okay... Well, what are we going to do now? We need to prepare and we now have this crippled half-demon woman who we need to keep an eye on..."
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/7/2016 5:04:25 PM"I don't know but they are getting closer " *they howls get closer and you hear something bigger approach leyla right side but you realize they are getting closer to leyla like they trying herd her away from you.* *leyla turns her head to look and sees a large wolflike creature running close her gaining ground and it speaks to her* "Run all you like little one were still gonna catch you" the female voice says. *she runs the hill almost to the cave when bigger one runs in front her blocking her escape* *the creature is a lot bigger than sketch and leyla. It growls at her bare it sharp teeth as ears flatten back And the other does the same.*
*The cave is in view and Garry is standing at the edge of it, looking down at you.* "GARRY!!! ARE YOU READY!!!" *Garry "PROBABLY!!!" "Leyla... Close your eyes..."
*she close her eyes* "What you gonna do sketch" shes says terrified as eyes are closed "Stay out of this pup our business is not with you" the bigger one growls threateningly
"I'm no pup!" *You feel a blast of air launch you upwards. You start to fall back down but you are caught by someone wearing armor.* *Garry "Okay... I wasn't ready for him to do that..."
"Karma leave this one to me get the girl"he says *he stands up on his hind legs and steps forward* *she opens her eyes just in time see the creature stand up on its hind legs as karma heads toward her and garry. Karma lounges toward leyla. she quickly leaps up and over garry who get hit by karma knocking his off feet. In behind out of the far back serenity hovark appear*
*As Karma jumps over Garry, he catches a katana and swings it, sending her flying into one of the cave walls.*
*Karma hits the wall but it doesn't slow her down it just makes her angry. She cuffs the robot knocking it over. but she doesn't pay attention serenity who sneaks up her and throws handful silver dust in her face which cause her to shriek in pain as she paws at her face as it burns her* "Silver there weak to silver sketch" serenity shouts * hovark grabs leyla pulling her a safe distant away from karma*
*Garry throws the sword at Karma. Sketch pulls a knife out of his backpack.* "Silver huh?"
*he snarls when he sees the silver knife and lounges at you avoiding the knife. hes surprisingly quick for someone so large. He swats at you with his large clawed hands he catches you in the shoulder raking them down your shoulder digging deep while growling mencingly. Then he jumps back circling you* *karma still hot on leyla heels she manages to find a spot where karma cant reach and she squeezes into the crack far out of her reach*
*Sketch dodges his claws and slashes at his arm with the knife three times.* "You're gonna have to be faster than that you monster!" *Karma gets hit in the head with a burning piece of toast. She sees Garry, standing in a guard, holding one of Sketch's swords.* *Garry "Hey there you giant hairball! If you want to get to her then you're going to have to kill me first!"
*Carmack growls as the silver burns his arm where he got cut at. He jumps around to sketch back and clamps down on his shoulder digging his teeth in then his claws.* *leyla can see karma turn around and shake the burnt toast off her head.then she disappears from view* *karma tirns towards snarling growling she stands on her hind legs towering over the robot* "Im gonna rip you limb from limb" she growls *karma full attention is now on the robot she charges into the robot knocking him over then she proceeds to grab an his right arm and starts to pull ripping free its socket then starts beating him with his own arm*
*Garry "Is that the best you got?!" *Despite being extremely skinny under his armor, Garry pushes Karma off of him and swings the sword up, sending her flying into the ceiling of the cave, he then sends her flying into the right wall then the left.* "GAAAAAH!!!" *Sketch digs his claws deep into the back of Carmack's neck.* [spoiler]I think I'm probably going to have a surprise appearance from the character I haven't introduced yet...[/spoiler]
*karm gets up she snarling at you jumps to garry's side and punches him hard in the face* *Carmack growls as you dig your claws into his neck but he doesn't let he just bites down harder as he digs his claws in deep*
*Garry spins around but regains his balance. He throws his sword, aiming for Karma's head.* "I know that I haven't introduced you yet but I'm going to need your help!" *Carmack suddenly feels a metal plated fist punch him in the face with enough force to break the fourth wall (four times the strength of a normal person.)*
*karma ducks the sword whizzes past her head and counters with a swift kick that sends you flying* *Carmack lets go when the punch connects with his face. Knocking him back*
Edited by Skatch142: 6/8/2016 3:45:41 AM*He sees what appears to be an exo-suited figure. The exo-suit is silver with black highlights and it has a tail as well as a helmet shaped like a cat's head. The figure suddenly comes flying towards him, punching him in the gut this time.* "Do you think you can beat him on your own?" *The figure nods.* "Okay." *Sketch runs up to the cave entrance and kicks Garry back over as he tries to get up. He is holding his sword in one hand and the silver knife in the other.* "Come at me bruh..." *Garry "What was that for?" "Shut up Garry."
*Carmack circles the in opponent looking for weak spots then lounges at it punching it in the face* *karma watches sketch approach see watches him close before attacking she jumps forward and punches you in the face*
*The figure blocks the punch and uppercuts him then kicks him back.* *Sketch stumbles backwards but regains his balance. He charges at her extremely fast and gets behind her. He jumps onto her back.*
*Carmack catches the figures leg with but hands and yanks pulling his feet out from under it then he slams his full weight it into it* *karma reaches back and tries pry him off her back but he not letting so she slams her back into cave wall trying to get him to let go*
"Eep! God that hurts..." *He holds the silver knife up to her throat.* "But not as much as this will."
*the blade burns Karma where it touches her neck* "You think im gonna cower like a lil pup over a piece silver pressed at my neck" she says angrily *her ears flatten against her head as she slams even harder against the cave wall not caring about the knife you hold*
"Ack! Yes! I do!" *He stabs her in the chest with the knife.*
*when you stab karma with knife it hits her one of her lungs puncturing it and you hear a laboured wheezing noise when she breathes in. She coughs up blood. Karma reaches back trying to pull you off her as she continues to struggle breathe properly she seizes hold of you pulls you and throws you to the cave floor. She holds her left side as she trys vain to breathe*
*He gets back onto his feet.* "If it needs to end this way then I can kill you quickly..."
"I dont need your pity" she wheezes *karma holds her side his last attack made her slower but she wasn't giving up just yet as watches him keeping her guard.* *Carmack throws another punch at the figure*