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Edited by The Muzzy98: 9/5/2016 9:46:05 PM

Fireteam Ashen(2): The Tower[Part 1]

[spoiler]Looking for a different chapter? Here's the [url=]Master Post.[/url][/spoiler]He materialized on the balcony of a great tower. Ghost appeared next to him. "Here we are," the Ghost said, "the Last City of Earth." The man gazed at the sprawling metropolis below. Small ships scuttled across the sky as they traveled from one location to another. Floating above the city was a large white sphere, hanging dormant and silent. "The Traveler," Ghost breathed, "It sacrificed itself to save us. Now it hangs silently above the city, the only thing it can still protect. That's why I've been searching for you for centuries. There are very few of you, those who can wield the Light of the Traveler as a weapon. Guardians, like you, are our only hope of surviving the Darkness." The man stepped away from the balcony edge and turned to survey the tower. Armored figures strolled around the courtyard, inspecting their weapons and armor, or carrying on conversations with their companions. Ghost floated in front of his vision. "Come on, Guardian. We need to see the Speaker. This way." The man followed Ghost to the left, down a corridor, which eventually opened up into another open space. They entered a room filled with massive machinery. Large metal rings clicked, whirled, and spun as they orbited a spherical hologram. "Welcome back Ghost." A figure in white robes descended the stairway. He had a hood pulled up over his head, and his face was covered by a white mask. "I trust your journey was fruitful," he said, turning to face the Guardian. "It was." Ghost affirmed. The Speaker approached the Guardian. "This Ghost told me the story of your resurrection. Every Guardian needs a chance to grow its legend. Thus, I name you Validus, because of your valor in battle. Now, stretch out your hand." Validus glanced towards Ghost, who nodded back. Validus stretched out his hand. The Speaker opened his own palm and an orb of light appeared in his hand. The orb transferred to Validus's hand, where it began to grow brighter. "Here's how this works," Ghost explained, "When the Speaker gives you a spark of light, you react to it a certain way. We can interpret that reaction, and put you into one of three classes of Guardians: the Titans, the Hunters, and the Warlocks." The spark of light in Validus' hand flared brightly before transforming into a pulse of electricity. The electricity flowed through Validus' body, covering him in blue lighting, which rested and crackled around his knuckles. After the lightning faded, the Speaker announced his verdict: "Welcome to the Tower, Titan. You should see Commander Zavala in the Hall of Guardians. He can help train and outfit you with the gear you need to battle the Darkness." "You know, when I first met you, I pegged you as a Warlock." Ghost said as they headed towards the Hall of Guardians. As they got closer, Validus could see three Guardians at a long table. "Okay," Ghost stated, "The Human in the robes is Ikora. The Exo in the cloak is Cayde, and the Awoken in the armor is Zavala." Validus approached the Titan Vanguard. "Guardian," Zavala said, "Welcome to the order of the Titans. I heard of your endeavors to get to the City. Single-handedly capturing a Fallen Skiff is an impressive feat for such a newly resurrected Guardian. I think you will be a valuable asset to the Tower and to the City. Here is armor to get you started on that path. As for everything else- Cayde!" "Yes?" "This Guardian needs a mentor, someone who can show him around and help him out on his first missions. I was wondering if you could spare one of your scouts." "You know," Cayde glanced to the side, searching for the right face, "I think I have someone in mind. Hey Avesk, come here for a minute." "What do you want?" Avesk asked. "I'm assigning you to be this Guardian's mentor, okay?" "No." Avesk replied. "No? What do you mean, no? I'm the Hunter Vanguard!" "You never listened to Andal when he was the Hunter Vanguard." "That's different!" Cayde spat, "Why won't you do this?" "I lost my knife." "Again? How did you lose it this time? Wait, let me guess: gambling." Avesk shook his head. "Nope." "Pickpocketed by a Fallen?" "Would've noticed if a Fallen tried to pick my pocket." "Is it in your ship?" Cayde asked. "No, I just cleaned it this last Thursday." "Hmm... Did you check your pockets?" Avesk frowned and searched his pockets. His face brightened, then immediately darkened. Cayde laughed, "Maybe you should check your pockets first. Anyways, now that you have your knife, go show this new guy around the tower. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to studying my map." Avesk grumbled something unintelligible and left the room with Validus in tow. When they reached the tower plaza, Avesk cursed quietly. "What's wrong?" Ghost asked. "I lost my knife again."[quote]Click [url=]here[/url] for the next chapter[/quote]

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  • I like how you created the Class determining system with the Speaker, very creative. Avesk seems like a funny character The only thing I found odd was that Validus showed no confusion; he didn't ask about the Darkness or Traveler and wasn't confused by the Awoken or Exo stuff at all (if this knowledge was implanted in his mind just like the terms "Guardian" and "Ghost" that should be included so we know he has the knowledge) and the Vanguard seemed to usher him in a little too quickly with no real discussion with Validus (although technically that's how it seems to work in-game, but I feel that we're supposed to infer that there was more conversation)

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