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6/6/2016 1:31:13 AM

The Problem with Destiny's Exotics

Exotics should be god-tier, better than other non-exotics


Exotics should be on the same level as non-exotics


Down with Exotics, fast fire legendaries 4 lyfe


My personal story [spoiler] Recently, I took a very, VERY long hiatus from Destiny to play most of the new games that came out (i.e. Overwatch, Doom) and some old games (i.e. Halo series, Bonerlands, etc). Keep in mind that before I took this break, I'd played Destiny almost every single day for a year and a half. I was playing Doom when I was using the "Double Shotty Combo" (both combat shotgun and super shotgun) and I was top of the leaderboards when I thought, "This shit needs to be nerfed", followed by, "WHAT MANNER OF SISSYNESS IS THIS? Just because something is performing well, it needs to be nerfed?" That little voice in the back of my head said that that's how Destiny manages to keep it's exotics in check. Then it dawned on me, that feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. I was having FUN in Doom, where I hadn't had fun in Crucible since before HoW, before the dark times. At that moment, I realized something.[/spoiler] DESTINY'S FANS HAVE RUINED THE GAME: A History Lesson [spoiler] When Destiny launched back in September 2014, exotics were described as the best of the best, weapons obtained by feats of strength, the hardest activities in the game, etc. Ok, maybe all that didn't pan out, but the part about the best of the best was at least still true. Ice Breaker hit like a truck and had ammo to spare, Invective was the only true fully automatic shotgun, Gjallarhorn was the best boss melter in the game, Red Death could keep you in the fight longer, a Crucible gun with Crucible lore, designed for Crucible, The Last Word had an actual reason to hip-fire, Thorn not only stopped Regen, but also did damage. Then came the Mythoclast, the first gun worth calling a nerf for. The fair few people who actually got the gun, or got paired up realized this gun was broken. People getting 4 shot cross mapped, killed through walls because of Fusion rifle hit-scan, other nerf-worthy incidents. Bungie stomped out a weed before it became a problem, good for them. Then came Suros. A little less nerf-worthy, but certainly a problem. Then all was good, a few patches here and there, but nothing compared to the newest meta; The HoW Meta. Thorn, TLW, and Red Death. The 9 months meta. Thorn was kept in check by a low ammo count with slow reload. The Last Word was kept in check by actually requiring skill to accurately hip-fire. Red Death was always a good choice in Crucible. Then Thorn's ammo count was buffed to 150%, with a reload twice as fast, The Last Word was glitched to not require hip-fire, and Red Death was thrown in as practically the only counter for them. Ever since then, the Forums are constantly plagued by calls for nerfs, buffs, outlandishly ludicrous changes to be made, leading to the destruction of the best weapons in the game.[/spoiler] EXOTICS ARE NOW MOSTLY OBSOLETE [spoiler] Think back to when you got your first exotic. You probably didn't get it fighting the Gas Wyrms of Jupiter, or helping to defend Twilight Gap or the Battle of Six Fronts. You probably got it from something mundane, like as a Strike reward or bottom of the team in Crucible or being a dreaded Xurner. But it didn't matter, it was special to you. "Wow, this weapon shoots poison!" "My gun reloads after every kill!" "This rifle regenerates ammo, that's so cool." It was a magical moment for most all of us, a weapon to be proud of. Now think about someone who just picked up the game recently, someone who is running around with his gunsmith Suros auto rifle rolled with glass half full and focused fire. He places 3rd in the crucible and gets the Suros Regime. "Oh wow, an exotic!" He compares the stats. "My legendary is better in every single way to this crappy exotic." His friend, with equally bad luck, finishes King's Fall and gets Thunderlord. But wait, he rolled a Qullim's Terminus with feeding frenzy. Who needs to waste an exotic slot when you already have a weapon that does the same job, and then some. Now their 3rd friend has ridiculously good luck and gets a god-roll Grasp of Malok on his first run of the Omnigul. When he gets back to the Tower, he decides an engram and gets Bad Juju. "Oh yeah, new exotic!" But the stats on Bad Juju are worse than Grasp of Malok, and he's already got 100% Intellect.[/spoiler] As it stands in the game now, there are very few exotics worth trading a legendary equivalent for. The Last Word has lost any reason to be hip-fired anymore, Suros feels like an overshined legendary gunsmith order, Tlauloc feels like a poor man's Mida Multitool, which is one of the few surviving exotics, almost every heavy machine gun being used is Qullim's Terminus, Thorn shoots tickle darts that do no damage and last about the time it takes to blink, Touch of Malice is literally only used on Oryx and Sisters, I could go on but I think I've made my point. Most of the current Exotics in this game don't really feel 'Exotic' anymore. They just feel like workhorses with a different paint job, and are often times outclassed by other legendaries, or their class it so rigid that there are better options for almost every single activity. (Looking at you Dreg's Promise) Exotics are becoming nothing more than novelty items, things to be flaunted, then switched out or used as a joke. I, for one, can no longer stand the abuse and mistreatment of Exotics any longer, but you can help for just pennies a day. Call 1(800)-555-EXOTIC to cast your vote on whether we should keep exotics on our level, or elevate them to their previous godhood, or just select a choice above.

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  • Edited by Snake: 6/6/2016 9:01:32 AM
    i always thought that exotics should be set to a maximum of maybe 360 when compared to the legendary maximum of 335 giving exotics that little bit extra power when campared to a legendary class. yes they should still have that perk list that makes them original creations but certain parts should also be random so one exotic of the same type could be better or worse than your current one (if you already have it) if just to make it none build/situation specific like most exotics seem to be now.

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    1 Reply
    • Exotics were never meant to be OP. The unique perk makes them exotic. And with 3oC and all, it's literally raining exotics now as compared to year 1. 3oC has taken the mystery and excitement out of the exotics.

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      1 Reply
      • As someone who didn't do raids or nightfall or crucible in yr1, due to lack of friends on xb1, and not a lot of time to play, the exotics I did have were fun, useful and felt special, yr1 juju, suros regime, thunderlord and one other, I forget which. Also the obligatory "how did you get that" when roaming the tower were enough to make them feel exotic, add to that the never ending steps to obtain them made them feel special. Now with 3oC and the never ending needs, exotics feel underpowered, pointless and common. Some do fulfill a purpose, rounding out loadouts, or filling a role in raids, the only exotics that feel truly special or useful are the exotic armour pieces. The positives of this are, at least in pve, there is more diversity and choice for each player and that the availability of the exotics makes it easier for solo players to overcome the must have________and______ when on lfg sites trying to raid or get a nf team together.

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      • Exotics are starting feel like....well, supers. They just don't feel like they are the 'highest' tier of gear anymore. In crucible I only see 3 exotics. MIDA, truth, and occasionally I'll see the odd invective. And don't get me started on DoP (doctorine of passing) and SsC (Soulstealer's Claw). For PvE on the other hand...... Again, I only see three, maybe four. Black spindle, raze-lighter, Bolt-caster, and occasional Bad Juju. [spoiler]I only recently started to use the beautiful Zen meteor, I weapon so devilishly powerful I feel like I'm firing nukes at everything.[/spoiler] Other than that....Exotics seem underused and, dare I say it, underwhelming. Before, back in year one you'd be excited to get a icebreaker or Hawkmoon or whatever the lord on high RNjesus bestowed upon you.....but these once great weapons lie in people's inventories as nothing more that shards. Shards that have no purpose other than making useless exotics USELESS!!!

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        1 Reply
        • The only exotics I consistently use are the Zhalo Supercell and Raze Lighter. Most other cases I always find myself using all legendary weapons

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          6 Replies
          • I wish they felt more special the ONLY one that feels really exotic to me now is Sleeper Simulant it just melts everything.

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            6 Replies
            • Anybody else have that issue where they keep calling "black spindle", "black hammer"

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              3 Replies
              • You're wrong.

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              • I concur

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              • While I agree with almost all your points, part of the issue if most people have them all, hence hard to feel special like my first pocket infinity or lucky raspberry Maybe then could do as the division and create a new tier. Kick it off with a wolf themed rocket launcher 😀

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              • You would think that in a loot-based, RPG-like game like Destiny you would want to keep hunting for the next strongest weapon. But no, everyone wants to have the strongest weapon while everyone else has the weaker weapons. So Bungie tries to please everyone and we're left with mediocre weapons that aren't worth grinding for. I want to grind for amazing, fun-to-use weapons again.

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              • This poll is flawed. Exotics should never, ever be "[b]God Tier[/b]". However they definitely need to feel more "special" than Legendaries and in this regard Bungie has certainly -blam!-ed up. Bungie have virtually nerfed and neutered every weapon that was worth chasing. In a loot based game, what is left to keep the player base motivated when the carrot is tiny and not tasty.

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                7 Replies
                • Exotics need to be unique but well balanced, having an edge over no exotics for their type and use.

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                • 1
                  I got Red Death from the 1st PoE, 1st day, HoW. O how I loved that gun! It ruled In IB, just ate guardians. Now... My Nirwens Mercy has better stats and perks. Sometimes I don't even equip an exotic. Times have changed, times have changed.

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                • I don't use exotic weapons in the crucible anymore. And Raze Lighter almost exclusively in PvE. Oh how the Exotics have fallen...

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                • ToM is easily my favorite pve weapon for all scenarios on all classes.

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                • The only exotics I use anymore are Hard Light, Universal Remote, Sleeper Simulant and Plan C.

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                • Edited by kittykun69: 6/6/2016 5:25:00 AM
                  Imo the only thing wrong with exotics is either to many look like crap or overall it is crap and is only good for being scrapped. And why have a limit on exotics when they tend to be a subpar legendary

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                • Been here since day one. The exotics just arnt really that exciting. I rarely equip them aside from raiding tom and spindle. I wish we had more exciting weapons. Gear items. The problem as I see it is that there was and will always be a problem with having amazing op weapons that are rare. The reason is those who play a lot will get them and those that don't will complain they don't have them.

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                  5 Replies
                  • Great point but pls make a TLDR

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                  • Edited by Chlo: 6/6/2016 5:04:40 AM
                    u c nutn

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                    3 Replies
                    • Exotics should be rare, hence the name EXOTIC. They should be better than ANY other weapon like you stated. They are so common they might as well be called rare. I wish Destiny would change how they view exotics and the drop rate. Then maybe they would mater more. But a legendary should not be better than an exotic, a rare shoud NOT have better stat's than an exotic. EVER!

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                    • The Questlines are great for Exotics. Make them harder and make the Exotics incredible. Easy solution.

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                    • Bump

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                    • Every exotic except the Mida Multitool feels completely situational to me. I feel I can use the Mida in any scenario and I usually do unless I the situation calls for a different exotic, then I have to live with whatever primary the map calls for.

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                    • Who else kinda misses the HoW meta. I do

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