Now I know everyone is gonna have a few go to characters. What I want to know is, do you only use your mains or do you like to play as all or at least most of the 21 heroes? I main Zarya, Junkrat, & Hanzo but depending on team makeup I will use anyone. I have about 2 hrs on every hero. How about you?
Also if you want, add a map that frustrates you. Mine is easily attacking on Volikya Industries
I mostly play: -Genji -Zenyatta -Roadhog -Junkrat -Reaper -Soldier 76 -Winston -Reinhardt -Bastion Hear me out about bastion. I don't camp in a corner and hold RT. I hate bastions who do that. I constantly reposition, and keep the enemy guessing. Believe it or not, most of my kills are in recon mode. I use sentry to temporarily lock down an area, offer the cover of suppressing fire, or rek a Reinhardt Shield.