The Tower is awesome. I have been reminded of that this past week. This week has been great, [url=]I made this awesome Q&A thread about basic flat earth questions.[/url] I beat the worst part of the Chaperone quest. But despite all this, I cant help but think about the obvious awesomeness of [i]The Last City[/i] and all it represents. From the first moment I started playing Destiny I was instantly gripped by the simple grandeur conveyed by the image of [i]The Last City [/i]. Here the sharp contrast of black and white, the light and the darkness, reminds veterans and newbies alike of the conflict in which the Destiny universe is embroiled. Despite the spheric overtones suggested by the traveler, its contrast against the looming darkness sets a gripping visual tone for the entire game. It embodies more than just the moral/visual conflict: it is a pure truth and reason that has not been "taken" by madness and evil. But like the tower, like the traveler, rejection of science is the last anchor, the last sanity. Even as society clamors to snuff out the lights of intuitive reason, basic, core knowledge lives on.
[b]Today the masses of society are "taken" by the quasi religious inconsistencies of scientific thought. Children are raised believing a man walked on the moon. THEY WORSHIP SCIENCE AS GOD. They will tell you that believing something does not make it true, yet will tell you in the next breath that gravity is real without so much as the basic ability of being able to define WHAT gravity is. They traded going to mass for going to lab. They value Gorillas greater than they value children. They traded their holy teachers for Bill Nye. [/b]
[b][i]Flat Earth Theory, like the traveler, is the last cornerstone of hope and sanity in the real world. Like the last city, those who recognize that the world is flat form the last remaining slice of rational humanity. The darkness of Scientific Dogma has all but extinguished the light of innovation, technology, and ecology. The black smog of factories and refineries spoil the environment and inexorably darken the light of our world, much like the taken. The factory is the engine of science. Fallen forests, blighted sea shores, tainted waters; these are the legacies of science. THIS IS ABSURDITY! SCIENCE IS BROKEN. [u]It failed the day that infamous alchemist compared getting hit in the head by an apple with the invisible force of so called "gravity". Flat earth theory may be mocked and hated, but it is one of the few pinpoints of reason that will guide the world into a better tomorrow.[/u][/i] [/b]
Please tell me you aren't a real flat earther