"I see" she says "I didnt cast that"she says
Bramd - old
[i]Then... who did?[/i] -
" a person named Anaya did she was from the same coven but i dont know where she went honest" she says
Bramd - old
[b]Alright, a rogue magical being with the abilities to do... whatever the hell that circle did, and can do... what else does she do?[/b] -
"Im not really sure what she what she can do. She was two ranks higher than me in the coven im like on the very bottom their ranking system. the two that really need watch out for are the leader's personal guards Carmack and Karma those two are even higher up on the ranking system never seen them. There a really good chance that there coming here after the bluish green woman with the black hair dont know her name. I just know the leader wants her." She says
Bramd - old
[i]Why do they want Leyla?[/i] -
"Not sure it might have something to do with her mother once belonging to the coven she was the second in command when she was alive. She was like the second strongest spellcaster in the coven. But this is way before is joined. But im not sure why they want her so badly " She says
Bramd - old
[i]Interesting...[/i] *Cyan ushers you to a room* [i]We ask for you to stay here and wait a moment.[/i] -
"Yeah i can" *she wonders what she has to wait for*
Bramd - old
*In another room, you can hear people arguing. Back and forth, barely audible voices invalidating the other side, before they all become silent.* -
*hmm i wonder all thats about as she looks around the room a little nervous as she waits*
Bramd - old
*Cyan walks back in* [i]We have decided to let you in. But don't try anything.[/i] -
"I wont "she says
Bramd - old
Good. *Back at the cave, Mortar and Serenity are reading some of the entries in Skyshard's journal to Leyla, who is awake, but sitting against the wall. [u]Today, I have felt something follow me, a demonic presence. When feeling it, the name "Gore" kept repeating in my head. Strange voices and sounds echoed through my head, saying "He will return" and "He will have vengeance" and other voices, I wish I could find it and relieve mys---[/u] *The rest of the entry seems scribbled out* -
"I wonder why she crossed that last part out. She says curiously. "She a strange one i wonder why she can sense gore? Asks serenity "Its not like you two are related or anything like that" says leyla
Bramd - old
We're not, and I'd be lying if I said this was my original body, she maybe senses Gore's spirit -
"Maybe she can i didnt think someone was able to do that"says leyla "Im still glad you two showed up when you did cause i dont wanna think about what could of happened" says leyla
Bramd - old
No problem. As for her, thank your clutter. She probably wouldn't be in this room if it wasn't for it -
"Yeah i can but what should we do in preparation for those two if they show up" *aiyanna stands up and faces the door her ears flatten against her head as her fur starts to stand on end as she starts to growling* "What wrong aiyanna?" *she doesn't answer she just bolts out the door and you can hear her growling getting louder* *aiyanna leaves to investigate the strange smell cause it smells human with a overtones of wolf as she walks out cave she see two figures a man and a woman approahing the man is bigger than the woman but they don't smell right. She watches them warily as they get closer*
Bramd - old
*Mortar summons his sword* What are you doing? You are... -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/7/2016 8:42:00 PM-i think those guys are the ones she warned us about- "Im Carmack and this is karma...he says "I know shes here i smell her says karma "Hand her over and we can end this quickly and no one has to die" says Carmack coldly *they both transform into werewolves* *aiyanna growls threateningly at them baring her teeth*
Bramd - old
Oh, she's gone, but I can allow help in another area. *Mortar puts his hand between his shoulder blades* -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/8/2016 12:08:19 AM"Lies i can smell the girl "says karma "We will destroy those who stand in our way" says Carmack *aiyanna is just a little bit bigger than karma she sizes her up before karma lounges at aiyanna makes her body transparent. she just passes through her then she latches on to karma tail fracturing it before she jumps on to her back sinking teeth into her shoulder* -use silver on them that their weakness- *aiyanna get thrown off as her back but she lands on her feet those two begin circle each other* "What the hell kinda wolf are you? Says karma -im not a wolf im a black shuck-
Bramd - old
And I'm Mortar. *Mortar forms his sword and lunges at Carmack* -
*Carmack jumps back with great speed avoiding his sword then he circles you looking for a opening then jumps at a mortar he swings at him catching him in the side with his claws he digging into mortar side making him bleed* *aiyanna lunges at karma sinking her teeth into her side making her yelp karma clamps down her shoulder in relation which makes her bite hard tearing opening a wound on her side. She lets go for a second jumping back a little bit*