originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"I see well i spar with my dad garry and hes bigger than the both of us. I think its more fun that way" she says
*hovark chuckles *
"Yeah you just like tossing me Leyla" he says jokingly
"Yup i sure do" she says
*He throws down a smoke bomb and disappears.* *The figure stumbles but regains their balance. It sweeps him and swiftly knees him in the spine as he falls.*
*carmack yelps but he quickly recovers and jumps towards him then drop kicks you in the knee* *she doesn't see him but she listens to her surroundings*
*You don't hear anything until a well placed rock suddenly skitters across the ground to your right.* *The figure falls over, as it gets up, it's jetpack fires and it comes hurtling towards you. Using its momentum, it grabs your arm, spinning you around before it kicks you in the head again.*
*karma turns towards the sound while she pays real close attention her surroundings behind with her keen hearing* "Quit hiding and face me" she growls. *Carmack is stunned with that last attack cause it takes a few minutes recover this time*
"Okay." *Sketch reappears right beside her and stabs her in the side.* *The figure kicks him in the side again before he can recover.*
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/10/2016 12:26:06 PM*karma jumps back holding her side which is now bleeding heavily. Karma can feel her self fading fast as the room swims* *Carmack doubles over with the kick to side he feels one of his ribs break. *
*Sketch motions for her to attack.* *The figure uppercuts him.*
*karma rushes to you side and punches you hard in the jaw* *Carmack lunges at the figure punching him hard in the gut then drop kicks in the legs*
*Sketch stumbles and then spits a tooth out into Karma's eye. He then slashes at her left arm with his claws and goes to cut her throat with the knife.* *The figure falls other but gets right back up. It punches Carmack in the face and then kicks in the side followed by an uppercut to the chin.*
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/15/2016 2:28:03 AM*karma yelps and paws at her eye as it starts to bleed she doesn't see him coming with the knife as he slices her neck then she yelps once more while clutching her throat as its starts to bleed* *Carmack falls down when he is kicked in the side. he gets up slowly carefully keeping an eye on the figure*
"I can spare you or I can kill you right now. Which would it be?" *The figure boosts towards him in an attempt to tackle him.*
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/16/2016 1:30:18 AM"I cannot continue like this and dont have hardly any strength left. You can do with me as you see fit i have no strength to even stay in this form any longer" karma says. *she reverts back in to her original form she still has her wolf ears and tail she has silver hair and blue eyes. Her hand is still clamped to neck as she continues to bleed* "Do what you will "says karma *Carmack dodges the figure as he tries to tackle him. Carmack kicks the figure in the side*
"Garry." *Garry "Yeah?" "Treat her wounds and put her with the half-demon, I'll help take down the other one." *Garry "Got it." *The figure stumbles but then whirls around, hitting him with its fists and then kicking him in the face.* [spoiler]I notice you've been referring to the figure as a male. I didn't want to give her gender away but she's female.[/spoiler]
*karma doesn't move for where she is at that moment. She wonder why he choosing to help her. She watches Garry approach her she slightly nervous but she concerned about the cut on her neck cause it keeps bleeding* *Carmack is busy fighting the figure and doesn't notice sketch creeping up from behind him*
*The figure punches Carmack in the face and he suddenly feels claws swipe down his back.* *Garry "Okay, just hold still..." *Garry knocks Karma out with a frying pan and then pulls out a device and taps something in on a small keypad. Karma is then surrounded by some sort of blue energy from the device.* (The device is a Sphirinian regeneration field generator.)
*karma out still cold being hit with the frying pan* *Carmack yelps as you claw at his back. He jumps back some putting distance between you two*
*Both of them jump at him, Sketch trying to scratch his chest and the figure trying to punch you in the face.*
*dodges the punch but he chest gets clawed at. Carmack countger by kicking sketch in the knee*
"Owww!" *Sketch holds his knee and starts hopping around on one foot. The figure uppercuts Carmack and then sweeps his legs out from under him.*
*Carmack hits the ground with a thud trying to get back up on feet. He doesn't pay attention to them*
*Sketch pulls out the silver knife again...* "I assume we are going to have to nearly kill you as well..."
*Carmack growls and bares his teeth in response *
"I'll take that as a yes..."
*he says nothing just growls*
*Sketch waves and the figure punches Carmack in the face.*