Edited by Skatch142: 6/6/2016 10:51:37 PM"By bacteria and viruses... The normal stuff that makes people sick... Although we had a cure for basically everything..."
Interesting... And...
(*Cure) "And what?"
Could you make... those... Here? That could help us GREATLY
"I'm not entirely sure... The diseases here are quite different... That's why I don't get sick very often... I never really studied that either... Why? Do you guys get sick a lot?"
Not often, just allergies. But your case wouldn't make sense, you haven't developed antibodies for this world...
"No, I haven't... But there aren't any diseases that have evolved for me either... I don't get sick from human diseases because I'm too different... I do get sick from a few canine and feline diseases but I'm too different for most of those as well..."
Interesting... So... did you make Garry?
"Yes I did. He was a talking toaster before but I gave him a body... The interesting thing is that whoever made him programmed him to think he is a robotic endoskeleton before I actually turned him into one..."
Strange... Any faults in the toaster before it had a body?
*Garry "I'm a [i]he[/i], idiot." "Well... Other than thinking he was an endoskeleton and being a jerk, nope, he worked fine."
Interesting... It thinks that it is a new species, in order to be a "he" or "she" it has to be able to help reproduce.
"No... Most robots gender isn't determined by what parts they have... It's by their voice and what they identify as." *Garry "That's why I have a masculine voice and say I'm a guy you turkey."
*Mortar chuckles* Tell that to your frail stick figure body.
*Garry "What did you just say you commie?!" *Garry lifts you up with one arm despite how skinny he is.*
*Mortar dissolves through Garry any reforms behind him, slamming into his back*
*Garry falls over, burnt toast popping out of his head.* *Garry "Why'd you do that you nerd?!" *Sketch is sitting in a lawn chair eating popcorn.*
Well, I don't take insults very well. *Mortar turns around* ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
"Of course I'm entertained... That's why I have the popcorn!"
Ooh, can I have some? *Mortar rummages through his sack*
"hisssssk! It's mine!"
Aw come on...
*He is hugging the popcorn close to him. He shows his claws on one hand and starts waving it at you as if he is trying to scratch you even though you are six feet away.*
Fine, I'll go back to beating up Garry
"Yeah! He deserves it!" *Garry "No! No I don't! Please!" *Sketch just eats straight out of the popcorn bag without using his hands.* *Muttering to himself "Why didn't Sphirinians invent this stuff?!"