I have a question.
I have maxed gear and a 334 ghost and artefact. How do I get 335 on them, I've done court and only got 334 artefacts. I'm guessing CoE farm for the ghost. Help me out here guys.
Edit 1: From what I gather King's Fall is my friend and RNG is a b*tch
Ran CoE speed runs to no avail ;'(
Edit 2: Are we trending? Maybe we're trending? I think we're trending? Are we trending?
Lower your light level to just a SLIVER at 334. You will get 335 drops after that. For some reason, once you reach a certain point of 334 (about the middle), it will continue to drop 334 light items. Bungie royally screwed up their code so you have to manipulate and trick their system a bit. This is what I found to be most effective to get 335 drops, including exotic engrams.