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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/7/2016 3:51:58 AM
Isha hugs them both. "Goodness! Thank you! Thank you so much for freeing me! I had never lost hope... I never did..." He hugs her back, smiling. [i][u]"Now now, it's quite alright. I always said we needed more benevolent gods. Speaking of gods, I have something to ask of you, Isha."[/u][/i] "Yes! Anything for my saviours..." [i][u]"I need your help to ascend into godhood."[/u][/i] "... what." He began explaining to her his plan once they were back at the palace. [i][u]"My plan is quite simple. The current lords of chaos in power are just that. Chaotic. Out of control. If left unchecked, they would destroy the universe. Their own incompetence and inner strife is what keeps them from succeeding. That is a risk I cannot allow. While the Spirit realm is divided, it cannot fulfill it's good role. It cannot do what is good for it. Souls will continue to be tortured for eternity if something isn't done. I have amassed great power. Enough to overthrow your old foe, Slaanesh. But the only remaining problem is my status. I need to complete my ascension into Godhood. Once there, I can conquer and absorb the four chaos gods into one being. Forming a single god of Chaos. God of order. God of balance. God of the underworld. Call it whatever you want... I do not do this for myself. I do it for the betterment of all in the universe. All life deserves peace... and these last millennia have been all but peaceful. With your help, Isha, I know this can be achieved. Please."[/u][/i] He kneels before her. [i][u]"as a humble being that wishes to serve life, love, in the universe, I plead to you, I beg of you to hear my request out. I will even let you stay within my realm for safety. Help me, and I can help you. And together, we can help life in the universe. The Eldar, the Humans, The Tau... every race deserves a good life."[/u][/i] The eldar god ponders upon this. "I... I... do you promise to protect all life as best you can?" [i][u]"... I promise that I will stop any needless killings. Death is a part of life that I cannot stop. But meaningless death, if able to be stopped, will be."[/u][/i] "... well... alright then. I will grant you your wish. I will lend you part of my power, it should transform your soul into the soul of a God." Noiratrom's eyes gleamed with excitement.

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  • "Thank you for this, we'll be sure your power is not in vain...." [b]Astrid softly smiles at Isha and bows.[/b]

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  • Isha closes her eyes and extends her hands forward. A cloud of stramge mist begins surrounding the two of them, hiding them from sight. Astrid can feel the air grow dense with power. It was overwhelming, like a nuclear bomb slowly exploding. Although she couldn't see, she could hear him changing. His grunts, sometimes they were charged with pain. But he didn't let that stop him. He needed this. For the sake of all that lives in the galaxy. It lasted for a long moment, one hour, one unbearably long hour of being blasted by such awesome power. After the hour was done, Isha let out a long sigh of tiredness. She would be fine, however. Her power would regenerate. Although, when the cloud dissipated, Astrid was simply awestruck at her lover's new appearance. He was taller than before, about fifty feet in height, like a true god. He had shed all of his humanity. His body was a deep shade of green and scaled, like a snake. His belly was white, but still smoothly scaled. His head was the head of a snake as well. His eyes, though... his left eye was the red, ever watchful eye of a wise owl. His right eye was as blue as the terran sky, the eye of a pathfinding, teaching wolf. Benevolence radiated from him. He had the horns of a great horned lizard, reflecting his royalty, his majesticity. They were long and curved, elegant, awe-inspiring. His snake-like body, however, possessed two long, muscular legs that were scaled like the rest of his body. They were reptilian, strong and handsome. His snake tail followed behind, ending like the tail of a wise Salamander. But the most Awe-inspiring of his features were his enormous wings. They were giant, Eagle wings that portrayed his integrity, his divinity and his power. But that wasn't all. He had another set of wings, following the first one. They were the wings of a crow, the keeper of the sacred law. He had four, enormously muscular arms. A beam of light shined down upon his holy presence. A new god was reborn. Noiratrom the sacred. All across the formless wastes, his worshipers knelt down. Life sprawled like a ripple throughout his plateau, his kingdom. Strange coloured trees grew. Streams, rivers and lakes of pink water sprawled like fountains. The formless wastes weren't that anymore. They were... so full of life. It almost made Isha cry. Noiratrom slowly opened his eyes. [i][u]"I feel... different..."[/u][/i]

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  • [b]Astrid tries to form a coherent word, but she couldn't. She was amazed and enthralled by his new appearance. Her knees wobbled as she tried to stay upright.[/b] "M-My...... K-King..... I..... I......"

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  • His eyes gleamed with limitless, untamed power. He looked at his hands. [i][b]"Such power... Ah..."[/b][/i] He smiled. He looked down at Astrid. [i][b]"What do you think?"[/b][/i]

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  • "Y-You're.... I can't describe it....." [b]Astrid kneels before him.[/b]

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  • He looks over at Isha. [i][b]"Thank you, goddess of life."[/b][/i] Astrid could tell that her power had rubbed off on him during the transfer. She weakly pants, she had exhausted much of her power. [b][i]"You need to rest."[/i][/b] He picked her up, placing her into a separate room. [b][i]"You may sleep here if you want. You will be safe."[/i][/b] He looks back at Astrid with a smile. [b][i]"Glad to see it worked..."[/i][/b]

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  • [b]Astrid smiles at him and sighs happily.[/b] "We did it..... You're a god now...."

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  • [i][b]"Indeed we have."[/b][/i] He breathes slowly. [i][b]"I can feel them... their prayers... their worshipping... I can feel it empowering me..."[/b][/i]

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  • "It must be amazing.... Should we address your worshippers now?"

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  • [i][b]"Not yet... I need to get used to my new body."[/b][/i]

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  • "Alright.... Should we celebrate? Or just rest for now?"

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  • [i][b]"Celebrate? What did you have in mind?"[/b][/i]

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  • "Anything you want~"

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  • [b][i]"I don't know... anything can mean many things..."[/i][/b] He smirks.

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  • "And I'm fine with whatever you want to do, especially to me~"

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  • [i][b]"oh... so that is what you want..."[/b][/i] He grins. [i][b]"Don't you think I'm a little too big for you?"[/b][/i]

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  • "I can always try to change my shape if you're worried about me, but I love big strong men~"

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  • He chuckles. [i][b]"I suppose that could work too... but for now, there is work to be done. The war on Slaanesh begins."[/b][/i]

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  • "Yes my king.." [b]Astrid nods and respectfully bows.[/b]

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  • [i][b]"I need to gather power. Much, much power..."[/b][/i]

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  • "How can I help my king?"

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  • Edited by Shadlezz: 6/7/2016 1:04:37 PM
    [b][i]"Go find fellow Daemonettes to convert to my power, if you can. We need to rob Slaanesh of its power..."[/i][/b]

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  • [b]Astrid nods and walks to the exit.[/b] "Yes my king, I'll show them the light..."

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  • [i][b]"Wait. You need more power to resist Slaanesh. Come. I will grant you the strength of a chaos lord..."[/b][/i]

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  • [b]Astrid walks up to him and kneels, ready to receive his blessing.[/b]

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