Okay, so.
Trolls, they're everywhere. Most of them bashing on how bad this game is.
Don't get me wrong, this game is -blam!-ing terrible, but still.
If it was bad, you wouldn't be here. Plain and simple.
"Haha, idiot, I'm still here because I like to rustle the jimmies of you desticles"
Bullshit. You're here because you have nothing better to do and these forums are the only form of social interaction you get. You're so desperate for attention that you don't care what kind it is, angry or pleased.
That's sad. You're sad.
One does not simply "quit a game because it sucks and stay on the forums". No.
I used to play Warframe. Sometimes I'd look at the forums for their game and interact with the community.
Then I quit.
And I haven't touched their forums in years.
And no, don't try to bring up off topic. If you're on the bungie forums, you're a desticle.
Get a grip.
Maybe all you trolls should get a hobby. A [i]real[/i] hobby. I like to go on dates with pretty girls, and I especially love fishing.
You guys make me laugh.
I only read forums while taking a dump. "PLOP-SPLASH" See you guys same time tomorrow x