originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]PATCHES!!! [/spoiler]
[b]I knock on the door of your apartment [/b]
~Ornstein opens the door~ [i]Hey there. How yah doing?[/i]
"Hey Ornstein. Good to see you back. I'm good, how are you?"
[i]Great. I'm studying what we'll be going against, though.[/i]
"Going against? I thought it was training?"
[i]Studying. About the Lords, what to watch out for, that stuff.[/i]
"Why exactly?"
[i]For the quest. Since I, well...have to kill them and all, and use their power to rekindle the First Flame.[/i]
"First flame? You mean this?" [b]I snap My fingers and a green flame dances across my fingers [/b]
[i]Kross... And yes, essentially that. Can you uh...be careful with that? That thing would make what some people call "Hiroshima" look cute.[/i]
"I am being careful." [b]The flame stops and runs across my finger, stopping at my Palm and becoming a small ball[/b] "So when do we start?"
[i]I'm thinking about when this conflict between the Exiled and the Aether ends.[/i]
"It's a war. Could take a while."
"I suppose it's fair though. What about Sensei Deity? He is battling the Twilight."
[i]They'll manage. I'm sure...[/i]
[i]The settlers. They'll get through it.[/i]
"Ah. So, what did you bring from Irithyll?"
[i]Some stuff on Sulyvahn, Yhorm, and Aldrich.[/i]
"What about Abyss Watcher?"
[i]Yeah, got some stuff on them. How'd you know about them?[/i]
"Oh I should probably return this." [b]I reach into my pocket and pull out the map from earlier [/b]
[i]Oh? Thanks.[/i]
"It said their names on the back and I fought the Abyss Watcher."
[i]Guys with swords, armor, kills Abyss?[/i]