Yesterday I posted a poll to see if there was any interest in a possible “raid school”. There was a a lot of interest, so this is the follow up post I promised with more information and details of how to sign up.
For those who missed the original post and poll, you can find it [url=]here[/url]
[b][u]The Plan:[/u][/b]
We’ll be running two separate groups; one with three sherpas for the very inexperienced and one with two sherpas for those with a little experience. It will be a six week course, one raid per week. Our plan for Raid School is to run three normal raids, one per week, including all challenges and we’ll run through the strategies that are currently in use. Once we’ve completed those three, we’ll move on to hard mode, doing the same thing, covering and explaining all the differences between normal and hard, and helping you to adjust to those differences while teaching you how to run all roles.
All of this is subject to change depending on ability and skill level. If we, the sherpas, feel you’re capable of stepping up to hard mode early, then that’s what we’ll do. But we won’t rush anyone either; if you feel you need another run of normal, that’s all good, we’ll happily do that. However, depending on the number of sign ups, we will not be able to run more than three normal and three hard raids per group.
The only requirements that we have is that you have a sniper rifle. The only reason we ask for this is because the raid is very reliant on sniper use on all of the bosses. If you have Sleeper Simulant, then great, that is a fantastic alternative to a sniper rifle. Another requirement is that you’re patient. Once you have the mechanics down the raid is pretty easy, but it can take time and lots of wipes before you fully understand how things work and why. But that’s the whole point of Raid School; we want you to learn these mechanics.
One other requirement is that, before we start hard mode, we ask that you obtain Touch of Malice. This may be a daunting task, but you'll have three weeks to collect the Calcified Fragments before we get to hard mode. As long as you have the fragments, we consider it Raid School’s duty to help you obtain Touch of Malice, so we will be available to run all quest missions with you, should you want our help. This may seem like a strict requirement, but once we get to hard mode it will be a lot harder with only one or two people using Malice (Oryx runner will be using Solar exotic sword to easily take down the Vessel), but we will help you get it. We’re trying to prepare you for any raid group and, unfortunately, most do require you have Touch of Malice.
[b][u]Sign up and selection:[/u][/b]
PSN: mikki79
Please send me a friend request and include how many raid completions you have. Those with 0-2 completions will go into a hat for the three-sherpa raid group, those with 3-4 completions will go into a hat for the two sherpa raid. Once that has been sorted, we will choose randomly. It seems to be the fairest way we can think of to choose, so out of a hat it is. Once a group has “graduated”, I’ll pick the next two or three randomly out of a hat, and so on. If you have 5 or more completions, I would say Raid School is probably not the place for you. However, if you do have 5 or more completions, I’d say you’re ready for hard mode, so you can still send me a friend request, again stating how many completions you have, and I will attempt to arrange hard mode sherpa runs for those people.
[b]Three-sherpa raid:[/b]
Day: Thursday
Start Time: 3 am GMT
[b]Two-sherpa raid:[/b]
Day: Saturday
Start Time: 2 am GMT
You can go [url=]here[/url] to check what time that is in your timezone.
I will also be streaming Raid School runs, so if you’re not in a group with us, by all means, you can head to my twitch and ask any questions as we go. Just because you’re not currently in group, that does not mean we’re not willing to help or that you can’t learn.
You can find my Twitch [url=]here[/url]
In my original post there were some generous and helpful guardians who also offered help, independent of Raid School. So if you want help and don't get selected for Raid School this time, you can shoot these guys a message here on and ask them nicely.
Ghost595 (who also founded a group called ps4 raid virginz, so feel free to hit them up too)
[b][u]Xbox One:[/u][/b]
Ty Corbin
I hope to hear from you all soon!
Edited by sinatra: 6/8/2016 8:52:47 AM3am? No thanks