[i]Go ahead and talk to some. Serious.[/i]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 6/8/2016 2:03:22 PMAlright then. *Mortar walks up to a priest* Hi, tgere
~The priestess lifts her head to look at you~ "Oh. Pardon me...Did you need something?"
I was just wondering what you guys were doing. I talked to Ornstein over there, he gave me a brief description, but, could you give me a little more detail?
"Ah yes. Due to the world of Lothric expiring, we were forced to move here. I hope that doesn't bother you."
Oh, no. But, expiring? I don't think your dimension is like a carton of milk.
"It's complicated..."
I guess... I mean, with the First Flame needed to be ignited and all...
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 6/8/2016 2:10:47 PM"The flame is dying away. We needed somewhere to live."
Of course, you are welcome here. At least until I re ignite the First Flame
"That...is Sir Ornstein's duty, is it not?"
Yes, if you'd like that home to be turned to ash...
"I...I don't understand."
Well... The Nameless King told me not to let Ornstein ignite the flame, or Lothretic will be destroyed.
"It's Lothric...and why would he tell you that?"
Because, I don't know, but he seemed a little desperate to keep just him from igniting it
"Ok...Thank you for telling me this."
You're welcome
"I can teach you miracles, if you like. They'll help."
That will be good, for the journey
"Ok. Take this." ~She hands you a small book. The title is "Sunlight Spear"~ "It is a very powerful miracle. Don't worry, though."
I've dealt with powerful magic, I don't think I'll worry. Thank you
"It's ok. Stay safe."
*Mortar nods as he walks around the village*
~More settlers appear to be walking around. Some give you strange looks. Others bow slightly. You come across a carriage with a sign on the side, reading "Patches's Extravaganza". A bald man is setting up a stand with weapons, armor, and junk~