originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"It was awesome."
[spoiler]Are we watching the battle currently or delay we replay it? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Watching, I guess.[/spoiler] [i]Yeah. How you took on two Watchers at a time, I'll never understand.[/i]
"Why's that? Are they hard to fight?"
"Well. I was well trained I suppose."
[i]Hmm. I haven't gone against them myself.[/i]
"This is my favorite part." [b]The map shows me creating an alliance with one of the Watchers [/b] "You should try it."
[i]It must only work with people connected to the Abyss. That's why![/i]
"What is the abyss?"
[i]A separate dimension that usually corrupts everything it touches.[/i]
"And why am I a part of it according to the watcher?"
[i]Its usually connected with darkness.[/i]
"Ah i See."
[i]Yeah. She saw what she considered evil.[/i]
"I see." [b]The map goes on to show my harnessing of the flame [/b]
[i]So that's it, then. You harnessing the fire...[/i]
"Yeah it is. What do you think? Does it look cool or what?"
[i]Yeah, it certainly looks cool.[/i]
"What's wrong? You sound kind of -"
[i]...You were saying something?[/i]
[b]i shake my head [/b] "You okay? You don't sound to thrilled about my harnessing."
[i]Its done. I just...don't get it. How it can simply be harnessed.[/i]
"It wasn't. It was actually a life or death thing." [b]He looks away[/b] "The amount of blood I used would have killed anyone. And the amount of Poison running through me?"
"Not to mention." [b]I roll up my sleeve and a burn mark runs across my arm, from elbow to shoulder. [/b]
[i]Whats that from?[/i]