I'm not going to lie, they should have initially made Destiny for the current gen consoles back in 2013. From where we are today it's like people who didn't want to buy a Blu-ray player when their DVD player still worked. The current gen consoles have been out for 3 years almost... 3 freaking years! Those systems came out over 10 years ago! Get over it, I ate a pb&j everyday for 3 months straight to save up and buy the PS4. Yes I just bought the PS3 two years before. But I could tell a remarkable difference after playing it on the PS4
For those of you who wish to believe it plays and looks exactly the same check out the video, you will be surprised. I catch myself viewing out into the Cosmodrome all the time. Just think of the possibilities if the last gen branch was making new content instead of dumbing down the graphics and controls?[url=https://youtu.be/yN59gFJ3C6Q]PS3 vs. PS4 Destiny Graphics, Full HD[/url]
EDIT: CONFIRMED! PS4 and Xbox1 only!. May we get a 60fps gorgeous game we hoped for back in 2013
EDIT 2: Thanks again for all the support guys, once again I understand what some people mean by having to change to a new system, buy the same game again. But listen to me and wait until they announce either a system bundle or deluxe edition ROI. It will save you lots of moneys and it will give you some time to save up and decide if sticking with your manufacturer or going to the "other" brand (Ps4 has exclusives 😄) Stay salty guardians and see you all in September!
There is 0 reason to drop ps3 and 360 at this moment. No expansion ever could bring enough changes to the game engine or ui to warrant dropping a console generation the game was built for. Destiny 2 will drop last gen, an expansion should not. We will be using the same disc for -blam!- sake, I preordered the most expensive ttk edition, the disc it came with is still in its metal case, never been opened.
I say keep it until Destiny 2. Like giving your dying dog a loving last day before you take it out back and [spoiler]do the dew[/spoiler] Besides, why make just a single dlc before a game ends the only one exclusive to next gen? That's sort of dumb IMO. I mean, I know that destiny 2 isn't staying on last gen. That'd be illogical. But still, why only one dlc?
Lol its gonna be pretty funny when the DLC drops and the quality will be the same as before.
Edited by Arashi Sora: 6/9/2016 11:00:47 PMNot like dropping last gen is going to suddenly make Destiny on current gen consoles the glorious game we were promised from the first trailers. The foundation and core engine of the game is already set. 60fps is NOT going to happen until at least Destiny 2. If Destiny 2 is really coming in Spring next year I really don't see why they decide until the last expansion of the original Destiny to drop 360/PS3. I highly doubt they are implementing huge, game changing features in this expansion when Destiny 2 is so soon and will be current gen only. I'm honestly surprised at this move, and was fully expecting them to milk money out of last gen players as well. I'm on Xbox One, but I still feel for last gen players and I really think most of you are over hyping yourselves, thinking that Destiny is going to be a completely different game now.
Edited by donkykongo: 6/9/2016 3:32:34 PMAll in favor of dropping you from a 20 story building say aye!
I am on 360, and I want it to be dropped!
Judging from this poll, 12% still use last gen. That's more than enough margin to drop them like a stone
for the people on old consoles talking about this gen being expensive to buy please read and think about it for a second because it's not that unreasonable at all. setting aside 5 euros per week would have given you the new console by now... if you can't save that much i honestly don't think you should be gaming in general and focus on getting your life straight first. i upgraded to ps4 for no man's sky originally and bought AC unity with it because i thought why not buy this now if i'm going to later anyways, i have the money because i save about 10 to 15 euros per week or even more if i can from the money i make during the weekends and i can honestly buy the games i like whenever i like because due to my little fund that has grown over the years. 5 euros per week would mean eating home cooked food more and drinking more water instead of sugary drinks for me but i guess not everyone can give up something they want at that moment for something of higher value that keeps them statisfied longer at a later date. [spoiler]please reason your way out of this one if you like, it's the truth and you know it.[/spoiler] *fluffs away*
Pretty sure you are seeing real snow/weather engine now because they dropped old set back
Fallout 4 and all its dlc is currently free on the Xbox store right now. Not kidding.
Aye. The salty last gen-ers, should realize and thank bungie for releasing it for older generation consoles in the first place. The 360/ps3 has had its time
Not salty, but this will be the end of Destiny for me. Have a 360, haven't had a reason to upgrade yet, but when I do it'll be to ps4 because of No Man's Sky and The Last Guardian. There's no way I'm starting over with 3 characters so it's bye-bye for me.
Nay. Only said it to spite current gen douchebags.
What with all the hate on last gen. Some people can't afford new Gen because they care more about their real life then the virtual world. They are going to make their savings towards things they need not things they don't need.
Need to drop them, sorry people on last gen but you should have seen this coming.
Edited by myhandsrcrampin: 6/9/2016 10:56:23 PMAYE it's ridiculous that almost two years in they're still including last gen in major dlcs in nearly equivalent prices to full games. the whole "not everyone can afford it" argument is absurd, as gaming is an extreme luxury in and of itself, and in three years of xbone and ps4 being out I don't see how anyone indulging that luxury, who works and isn't on mommy and daddy's dime, can't afford one if they so desire. further, many places do trade ins INCLUDING Microsoft (correct me if I'm wrong) for the last gen console giving a rebate toward the new one. no more excuses, drop dat sloppy hoe
Tbh, there is no point carrying on with last gen. MS has already stopped support for it anyway. Not sure with Sony is doing with PS3 tho.
will you be getting the new ps4 if it does support 4K/VR? after all us *old ps4* users will be holding back the newer titles as our system will be weaker~
With the prices dropping on new consoles, now is the time to upgrade of there was one.
I don't see why rise of iron isn't on last gen since the rest of destiny is, but destiny two should definetly be current gen only
I never bought a ps4 cause for me seemed like a waste of money
People, please just read the comments on the post with any luck you will stop whining https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/206191999/0/0/1
60fps ftw hopefully
Just waiting for someone to sue bungie for discrimination against a minority
The only problem with originally coming out with Destiny on New gen is that they developed Destiny 1 for old gen and then modified it for new gen when they were announced. I agree that they should drop them now though.
Edited by Cr0Wis3: 6/9/2016 8:58:45 PMI don't agree. Yeah I'm a last gen gamer and yeah I'm working on getting a Xbox one but now I have to rebuy buy the game (which is why I never up graded) and leave behind friends). I have plenty of time to upgrade but what about those who can't get it. Maybe someone has parents that are struggling maybe someone is barely making a living as is. It's one thing to buy a new system buy the game and dlcs too. They left a lot of people in the cold. Hopefully they at least let us carry over our purchases from last gen and make the hustle a little easier.