He's mentioned in the level 12 mission on Venus call The Archive. Who is this person?
I'll just quote my reply from a similar thread, albeit grammatically back with misspell of the good doctor's name... [quote]Dr. ShiM was one of the researchers with the Ishtar collective researching the Vex and the Vex Collective Mind, while the Vex were simulating them researching the Vex and their.....[/quote]
It would be cool if he was a personal trainer . " Break into a Shim gym!"
He invented the slim jim for breaking into cars.
Don't readily buy into every theory you hear. Bungies story presentation via grimoire cards leads to some pretty vast swings in interpretation and speculation (which I personally like). The strict grimoire version of who is Dr Shim, is he is one of 4 Ishtar scientist who during the golden age before the collapse, were involved in a vex research project. Their project resulted in new technology, where the 4 scientist took copies of their minds and put them into the vex network. Later, some of the other project members (not Shim) went into be involved in other projects, such as Maya and the Device, which you can read about in vex 5 and the Future War Cult card.
I thought Dr. [b]Shin[/b] was somehow connected to the knee bone and the ankle bone. You're welcome.
Edited by Synergy-Seven: 6/9/2016 8:40:23 AMAfter a lot of thorough research conducted by both the B.net & Reddit community, we cant be 100% certain, but can confidently speculate that Dr. Shim was a Vex overmind living in a human host within a simulation. Long story short, we are all inside a vex simulation, despite perceiving that we are in the future/present, are actually in the synthetic past (traversing the fabric of time at a rate of x1000 that what we actually perceive) and serve for observational purposes to whether our Destiny is fixed of whether Shim's changes could alter future outcomes for the Human species.
The guy who penned the phrase "Shimmy, shimmy, cocoa bop" in the iconic song sung by the main characters in the film "Big"
I thought it was Shin??
Listen to the vex/fwc episodes! :)
Sounds like a futuristic Transgender with a degree.
Idk, I just think of the one Asian scientist from Jurassic Park whenever I hear his name.
Dr. Shint
Great question! I almost forgot about this guy.