The best gun ever (some people think so) is being sold for real money.
Edit: calling names is why people call you sheep. After all , all they have to say is" it was a typo or i said the wrong thing" and people will swallow it.
The gun isn't being sold....the color of the gun is. Everyone still has to do the quest to get the gun.
It's not pay to win.. The pre order is for a black version. Everyone will have the quest line for gally. If you want black pre order
Hahahahahaha it's just the iron skin. Everyone can still get it. Lmao. What a fool.
Nice b8
Unless the Black Ghorn does more damage than the regular one that EVERYONE that gets this DLC will get, you are wrong.
I think you are ignorant and started resorting to rage before you knew the real facts. You get ghorn either. Black ghorn is for preorders. Kys
Everyone can get gally from quest Pre order gets a black gally Silly -blam!-
Seriously? After all that backlash and people correcting your obvious misunderstanding, you just double down. I think OP is secretly Donald Trump.
100% not pay to win. Just sayin
No it is not.
Just deleted the post. Your wrong.
I wonder if dropping last Gen, means better graphics or at least 60fps for new gen... aside that I m not sure if I will join the next dlc... MW2 (game of the year) is on the way.
Imma catch some flack for this, but eh.
They are selling a skin for the gjallerhorn. Everyone will be able to get a gjallerhorn, cool skin or not
Anf if they sell pre nurfed ghalahorn, icebreaker, vex , thorn , suros, black hammer and spindle, mida and elemental primaries for 100$ or even 150$ i would pay it right now .. hell even 200$ i would pay to make it happen
Well aren't you silly
You see everyone, there are idiots.... And then there's this guy.
If you're going to be a moron, please at least be a well informed moron?!
This is how Obama got elected 2 terms in a row..
If you are going to post something like this, do your research please. If you preorder you get a black and silver rocket ( I don't want to butcher the spelling) and if you don't you get the OG white and gold one. It's that simple. If you watched the stream or where told about the stream then you would know this. Just do your research next time. ;)
The dumb is strong with this one
Yeah,I'm still waiting for the buff to come in for my pay to win taken armor. Or the pay to win sparrows. Or my pay to win blue flaming skull. Surely a rocket launcher that's supposed to be available in game without pre-order, with the same steps to aquire, and has the same stats will mean I am a superior player because I paid in advance for a different color one to win. I can't imagine losing ever again if I pre-order for a cosmetic rocket launcher that looks different from the regular one, that's insta-win right there.
Stupid post. It doesn't cost any extra money to preorder and it only gets you a gun on a different color them the one EVERYONE will get. #salty
You have to complete a quest to get it, even says so in the fine print when you pre order... OP is an idiot
When YOU preorder, you l get a black version iron gjally. do understand when you buy the still get a the quest for gally anyway. But I'm preordering to get the black version of the gun.