I'm sure Destiny looks and plays better on the new gen consoles, but half of the gamers are still playing on the old gen and I'm one of them. The only reason why I never upgraded was because... In my opinion the XB1 and PS4 is a piece of SH**! Microsoft says they're making another XB1 with better features, If that's true then maybe I'll upgrade...
I have had all 4. I went through 5 360s. They red ringed all the time. My XB1 hasnt had a single problem. Never had issues with my ps3, but I didn't play it nearly as much as my Xbox. My ps4 has been good as well. New gen is where it at.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I've had all 4 and I can tell you for a fact there isn't a single thing that the old consoles do better than the new ones. The only reason you would tell yourself they are better is if you can't afford to buy a new one, which is fine of course, but be under no illusions, the previous gen are in no way at all as good as current gen. All that being said I do actually think since Destiny up to this point has been on last gen consoles there is no reason at all why this expansion shouldn't be. Unfortunately I think what we are seeing here is Activision trying to squeeze every penny out of the game (due to low sales vs development time on old consoles). Destiny 2 absolutely develop it from the start for exclusive use on current gen, but since Destiny is already cross gen compatible this is just bad business and "misering" from Activision.
my question is this. if there is a massive dlc coming in September and destiny 2 coming at the end of this year... why not just make this for destiny 2 and let the old gen consoles have TTK and end with TTK. old gen is holding the game back because there are things that they can not accomplish that the new gen can. which is why destiny 2 will be current gen only I get that and agree with it. this just seems like an extra dickish move by bungievision to clusterfu## the community.
What's your argument on why the next gen consoles suck?
1...x1 and ps4 are NOT shit unless you have one you have no -blam!-ing clue... 2...the "new upgreaded" x1 ps4.5 wont be out until next year im sure...yeah xbox is also making a "slim" version that [i]may[/i] be out this year... So unless you want to wait another year and a half might as well get one now while they are cheap...