if you don't get the dlc, you don't get the new gally(either version)
so, do you need to buy the new dlc to get it?
if you don't, will you still get a new g-horn?
Have people who didn't buy DLC ever gotten the new gear at release? No. Did anyone spend $20 on Necrocasm? No. Did anyone spend $40 on Raze-Lighter? No. That money is spent on a full* content expansion/ update and ALL of the gear associated. Rise of Iron isn't going to be any different save for a different weapon skin. Nobody is paying $30 for Gjallarhorn. They're paying $30 for an expansion that happens to come with Gjallarhorn.
if you look at it that way, i guess u are getting a new expansion and an added gun u already had. i just don't kno why they updated some guns and didn't make em all relevant.
Hype and Nostalgia? It's been Bungie's marketing strategy for a while now.
well, damn. it sure works. i mean they kno how to hype people up. i almost got excited then i had flashbacks to TTK. l and if they like the game, fine, get the dlc. but idk how people will just blindly pay for anything bungie throws or takes away from them and re-skins and re-releases it. [spoiler]probally because the majority of the fanbase are 12 year olds.[/spoiler]
Why play destiny if nothing is up to date? Thats like people still play destiny with only the dark below and HoW expansions. It makes no sense.
[quote]Why play destiny if nothing is up to date? Thats like people still play destiny with only the dark below and HoW expansions. It makes no sense.[/quote] this was why i stopped playing. its just not my type of game (anymore, House of wolves had the most activities and was most fun imo) this is an alt btw. made it to the free april update and stopped playing
You can earn it through a quest. Pre-ordering only get you a black skin for the Gjallahorn