I'm sorry I think I was condescending!! I'm trying to be above that in here. I'm cool with sarcastic humor but I re-read what I posted and I sound like a total di;k with that last part.
And I've spent the last 43 yrs of my life pounding square pegs into just about anything !
lol no problem some things are difficult to word through text. you can't get the feeling of how the personvis saying it. and i do wish they could keep everything in the game relevant to add as much variety as possible, but they followed the mmo path, which which i was burnt out on a week after the april update
I totally agree and maybe it's harder than I think but it seems bringing raids up in difficulty and drops, would be really easy then you would have fire teams able to go through play lists. And if it's something about not letting those that did not get expansions not getting free level up by playing or knocked out of playing all together if brought to current light level difficulty, then not sure why they cannot just go the hard mode and legacy pathway. Think how cool it would be to be able to run all raids in a relevant way, hell time gate them to string us along- more variety equals more playtime which means more retained players that will buy next dlc and destiny 2. Seems a win win situation unless some crazy bizarre coding issue.
yea, if they made everything relevant, i would most likely still be playing. i loved the titan vog armor, and who cares if its the only armor i used???(i didnt, i liked to mix and match, also never got Voc or fatebringer so i didn't just use those.) and what about new players??? whats their incentive(or how can they find people) or learn about Vog, Crota, etc. if no one else is playing them anymore? it seems like the game is "o i remember when, ____, o look at this cool ___ i have and you don't"