It'll probably be the same story when the PS4.5 Neo and New Xbox One are realeased, current gen will most likely be "Holding us back" aswell lol
No it won't. It will be understandable if that happens cause Ps4 has been out for 3 years PS3 has been out for 10 years You understand the difference and why it wouldn't be the same?
And how old will the PS4 and Xbox one be when the newer consoles are realeased? You do realise how fast technology is evolving right? So who's to say these newer consoles won't be a considerable amount better than current gen? I've heard rumors of 60fps and even 4k compatibility, and with VR also they probably have a lot more to offer than just that
Even with rapidly evolving technology the difference in graphics won't be as noticeable as it was from PS3 to ps4. Even if you quadrupled the power of ps4, the difference in graphics wouldn't warrant spending $400 on a new console.
It's not just about graphics, I think the biggest leap graphic wise would've been from ps2 to ps3, it all comes down to the system hardware and processing power which will mean bigger maps/world's, less load times and the more things on screen at a time