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Edited by cat65: 6/9/2016 11:40:24 PM

Fallen Baby Chapter 68

[b]Good afternoon! Who am I kidding its evening here and I can't feel my face. Here have a chapter. Chapter 68: The Speaker Speaks Part 2[/b] [i]"Home is where the heart is, Hunters." Andal said, hands on the holster of his gun. His mouth quirked at the side, eyes alight at the vast expressions looking back at him. Vala stared back, trying to decipher the meaning behind those words. Andal only seemed to find it hilarious, his lips stretching to be known as that shit eating grin she had lived with all those years later.[/i] "Home is where the heart is, [i]Speaker[/i]" The memory faded away, the lesson and words catching her all at once. Good old Andal hitting her in the face even in death. "And my home is not here anymore. I have my own home now, where I can be free and not be judged by people like you." "You Hunters always amuse me with such drivel." The Speaker replied, his hands entwined together his front. Vala briefly wondered what would happen is she broke every one of his fingers. "Hunter." Vala looked to Zavala as the Titan marched forward until he stood in front of her. She couldn't help the grin overcome her face, much to the confusion of many. "I haven't seen your bald head in over a year, Zavala. How's the new Guardianship training? I hope your croquet has gotten better. I do like the scarves you knit." She watched the Titan's jaw clench, anger under the surface of his skin that was waiting to be unleashed. She knew she was poking at a bear at this point but she didn't care. "Quiet, traitor." The Awoken man demanded, "You have nothing to say that will change the outcome of your punishment yet to come." "Punishment?" Vala guffawed, "I've done nothing wrong. Where is the rule that I cannot adopt? Or have a free will of what I wanted? Can I see this rule which you speak of?" The Titan shut his mouth, the err of his words thrown back at him. She smirked, knowing she had got him. "Quiet Vala." Surprised, she turned to Ikora who had made herself known. A few Warlocks began to whisper in the crowd behind her, Bolt hugging her tighter at the new person he was seeing. "Ikora." The dark skinned woman smiled, yellow glowing eyes taking notice of Bolt immediately. Vala didn't like that look, knowing right where the woman's mind was going. Protectively holding her son, she stared back into those intrigued yellow irises. "No. You will not take him." Those eyes shifted away but she knew those words meant nothing to the Warlock. The woman would worm around to get him anyways. "Cayde? Nothing to say?" Suddenly aware of the Speaker talking again, Vala saw her Exo friend who was behind the Speaker turn away. The Hunter refused to speak, arms at his sides and eyes refusing to look at her too. "Well this reunion is quite the scene. But I would rather cut this short." The Speaker sighed, his stature even becoming straighter if possible. "I would rather you get that pole out of your ass but miracles can happen." Vala snapped back, not realizing her sass had gotten the better of her. The crowd got eerily quiet. Zavala then broke it, moving with such swiftness it surprised her. He quickly threw her down, pinning an arm behind her back that made her grunt in pain. For a moment the Hunter saw stars, head spinning but then snapped out of it with a growl. "Hold your tongue, Hunter." Oh Vala could not hold this double bladed sword called her tongue. "Desist." The Titan commanded, shoving her son away who was trying to reach her. He had pushed Bolt away when dropping her, the thought of someone touching her boy sending waves of anger to pool in her stomach. "Mom!! Don't hurt her!" Bolt shrieked, fangs clicking and trying to look intimidating. He was trying to shove at the Vanguard leader but realized quickly that he was outmatched. Vala struggled all the more when Ikora neared, eyes glowing eerily at Bolt. No. They were going to take him. Not on her watch. With a scream, Vala twisted her body, her arm giving off an unsettling pop but mind fogged with adrenaline she did not feel it. Zavala widened his eyes, realizing what she had done. But that gave her opportunity to deliver a blow to the Titan's middle, kicking him back. Her left foot also gave an unsettling pop but it did not deter her one bit. Quickly standing, Vala ignored her limp arm at her side, eyes blazing with fury. Ikora stopped, watching with eyes narrowed. Bolt jumped at her, once more glued to her side. "Hush my love it's okay I got you." She murmured, brushing away the tears collecting in his eyes. "B-but your arm!! You're hurt!" As if the words were magic, her arm and foot gave a painful throb. Hissing, Vala forced herself to stay standing to glare at the Speaker who had remained still and ever watchful. Cayde was now closer behind him, eyes watching her with such intensity it made her flinch. "So that's it?" She spat, the Speaker not moving from his spot. "Send your guards because I said a bad word?" "It is to protect the City that this is happening, Hunter." Was his calm reply. "It's to protect the City? It's to protect your flawed views you asshole!" Bolt flinched at her raised voice, her tone dropping to a growl to not scare him. "Calm down Hunter." "No wonder people left the Tower." She continued, "No wonder Hunters returned to their reclusive behaviors because here we can't be free." "It is not a-" "No wonder Titans obsess over a damn wall now. They can't think of anything else now because you and Zavala drilled into them that duty is more important." "Why are you-" "No [i]wonder[/i] Warlocks are insane because they drive themselves to madness to please your thirst for knowledge. Have you ever sat down with one and asked how their day was? It's sad how much they can't tell reality apart anymore." "This is nonsense. Cease-" "You just can't accept change." Vala still continued, her mouth finally spewing out her own opinions in this mad world. "Can't accept that Guardians have their own wants and needs! We are [i]people.[/i] Not just tools at your disposal." "I said-" "No wonder Guardians go missing." "Stop." "No wonder Toland chose the Hive over us. No wonder Saint-14 jumped into a damn [i]Vex[/i] portal." "I said stop!" "No wonder Osiris left you!" [b]SMACK![/b] Face turned, her cheek stinging painfully, Vala was surprised at the slap. Slowly she faced back to see that the Speaker was finally starting to show emotion. The man was breathing harshly, shoulders trembling and another hand raised to hit her. "No wonder Osiris left." She spoke softly, the taboo name leaving her lips like a sigh. "Because he couldn't see what you were seeing. Because no matter how much you try to control the Guardians like puppets, you couldn't control him even though he was like a brother." The people around her listened to her rant, every truth they could find in her words hitting them hard. The Speaker brought his hand down to strike her again. Vala closed her eyes, waiting for the impact. All the anger and spite in her drained out during her rant, leaving her empty and hollow. The fight was still there, just smothered under the relief of finally saying why she wanted to say all these years to the man. If he hit her, Vala would take it. But seconds passed, and when no hand had slapped her again, she opened her eyes. Cayde was there, the Exo's eyes glowing brightly and his arm holding the Speaker's arm that was sure to slap her again. He looked furious, so much that the man began to give off growls. "That is [i]enough.[/i]" Cayde ground out, squeezing the Speaker's arm to get the message across. The man simply tugged his trapped appendage back, cradling it before stalking off. "Take the Hunter and her boy to the cells." Cayde called to the hushed crowd. When a few stepped forward, he pulled out his gun and pointed it at them. "I only want Hunters to escort her. If I leave her with any one of you I'm sure something will be wrong when I check up on her later." A few Hunters, the ones she had silently spoke to earlier appeared from nowhere and hooked their arms around her to keep her steady. Even Ghost and Raphaël appeared, taking hold of Bolt to lead him off. Mirak was there too, his large hand rubbing soothing circles on her back. The adrenaline left her in a giant whoosh when they began to walk, her arm and foot flaring in pain and her emotions taking hold of her. She openly cried, sobbing to the whole world but the Hunters at her side continued on, pretty much carrying her since she could hardly walk. Mirak easily picked her up and cradled her smaller body to his, saving whatever was left of her pride. Vala immediately curled up to bury her face into his broad chest, all the pain and hurt bleeding out as pitiful sobs and hiccups. "Please don't hurt my son." She begged to each of the Hunters, "He's all I have left. I don't want to lose him. Please." She put up a weak attempt to reach Bolt, but darkness began to creep in the corners of her eyes. "We got him, Vala. Just rest." Mirak shushed her, petting her head gingerly. Relief and more tears were her answer, and with one more plead to keep her son safe, Vala drifted into that deep sweet dark abyss. In there, she saw Andal welcome her with open arms.

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  • Edited by Drokantoro: 6/10/2016 6:11:20 AM
    I really liked it, and I know this is your interpretation of these characters, but I (I mean I'm not the one writing this great story) don't think that Zavala and the Speaker would act like that, Shaxx I'm sure he would have a shit temper, but Zavala has been the leader of the Vanguard and Titan mentor for years, I'm sure he has a lot of patience and would be hard to break or make him angry, and as for the Speaker, well I just don't think that'll be his reaction, you need someone wise and in control for that role, but what do I know, this isn't my story. Other than that, it was a really food read.

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